This is me….

  • 6 replies
  • 76 subscribers

Misdiagnosed lumps as cysts by GPs 

now Stage 4 with 5 tumours in brain and 60-70 across my body 

Immunotherapy did not work on me so now on chemo tablets 

just wanted to say hello really and wish you all well.

  • Hi Melanoman, so disappointed that your initial diagnosis was wrong. My son was similarly mis diagnosed as a cyst but ended up with Testicular Cancer. This caused me a lot of worry at the time. I am glad to say he has had a full recovery and is clear over 10yrs now. He went thro Chemo, so I am hoping you will have a good outcome too. I Am waiting on my WLE and node results, hopefully next week. Since my Melonoma diagnosis last April, I have read and learnt a lot about Cancer , and how our body will fight its best to beat it. I just hope you can come to terms with your battle in front of you. I have learned not to get too stressed and be kind to myself and those around me.I hope you will find within yourself  the fortitude to beat this and the serenity to accept that there are things outside our  conntrol. I thank you for your best wishes and I reciprocate 10 fold. Hope everything goes well.Please keep the forum informed.

  • Hi I am sorry to hear your story. I am stage 4 and had dabrafenib and trametinib for 7 months. They halved my large tumour burden and then I went onto Nivolumab and Ipi then Nivolumab on its own. I have been told you need to have the Braf gene for the targeted tablets. After many years I am at present NED .

    I hope your treatment does it’s job for you. I was also misdiagnosed by my doctor and it is hard to take. 

  • Good morning Tootsietuddles

    RJ Smith 

  • And a very good morning to you and everyone else reading this.Its a bit nippy outdoors, 3 degrees but i am gratefulwe have the sun  shining; so I'm going to wrap up warm and go for a wee dander before the rain comes in. 

    Have a great day,yourself Melanomaman, and don't forget to do some Yorkshire puddings for Sunday Dinner.:)

  • Wow! Wonderful that you are NED. These treatments are incredible. 

  • Good luck with your treatment Melanomaman. I’m sorry about your misdiagnosis. It’s happened to me too and it has made me very cautious and untrusting of what I’m told. I’m slowly getting my head around it all though and looking forwards rather than back at the mistakes that were made. Wishing you all the very best for your treatment.