
  • 2 replies
  • 73 subscribers

Just got diagnosis yesterday so all new and not yet taking it in or understanding what next.  Melenoma was on my scalp. Now waiting to hear about further op to remove more skin, possible skin grafts and removal of lymph nodes. Finding it difficult to cope so any words of wisdom, support or guidance would be much appreciated

  • Hello Romy.  Welcome to the forum.  Sorry to hear what’s happening to you.  Be assured that They will take great care of you.  They are specialists, highly informed & expert, and want the best possible outcomes.  
    I had a melanoma on my scalp, removed by local anaesthetic, with skin graft.  Very successful.  Although they can recur, and lymph nodes removed also, to remove pathways.  It will benefit you to just take it as it comes, a bit at a time. Avoid over-informing yourself, it only leads to anxiety and achieves nothing helpful.  Definitely avoid Dr Google!  I heard an interesting correlation the other day:  Think of the cancer as a weed, which is dealt with by specialised means.  The rest of us is the soil, which We can deal with & improve - by whatever methods work for you: Exercise & interest in your life.  Perhaps walking, swimming & yoga. Friends.   Nurturing, by self-kindness, relaxation, meditation and Mindfulness.  An enjoyable, balanced & multicoloured diet.  There is a lot of help to explore online, on MacMillan and Penny Brohn.

    Good luck and God bless.  Everyone is cheering for you.  x Two hearts Blush

  • Thanks for your positive response, it helps to know others understand what you're going through