Frightened wife, husband has a possible melanoma on base of little toe

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My husband had a small cut or blister on the base of his little toe. After a few weeks I  noticed it had grown and was black in colour and had uneven edges. I told him it didn't look right and he should get it looked at. He didn't want to make a fuss as it is hard enough to get an appointment as it is. I made him get one and he was seen the same day.  The Dr asked why he hadn't come in earlier.  He called in another Dr who deals with moles and skin problems.  They took the top off and said they could see something underneath, it was like cells clustered together.  He was referred to the skin clinic, they contacted him the next day for an appointment the following Thursday.  We were going to Tenerife on Wednesday and we had not been away for 3 years. They made the appointment for the following Thursday. 

He had photos taken and was told they would be in touch within 2 weeks. They called with an appointment to see a Dermatologist the following Monday. This Monday the 14th November. We both have problems, he has COPD, arthritis and diverculitus. His whole foot is pain and I feel hopeless. I have Narcolepsy and Fibromyalgia and since coming off holiday I have felt exhausted and want to sleep all the time. Emotions make me ill and I am scared of letting him down if it is bad news. He is 65 and is always helping out and I am so frightened of getting a diagnosis even though I know it is not going to be good news. We have had a terrible year, my daughter has been diagnosed with Temporal lobe epilepsy and even though she was referred in Feb 2019, I had to bypass our GP and go straight to the Consultants secretary, they seen her within a few days and told us that if she had been seen earlier, she would not have had to endure full blown fits. The scariest thing is that it is common for Sudden death syndrome.  We have been worried and it has affected my husband terribly. Sorry for the lengthy introduction. I would like to know if he will lose his foot.

  • Hullo Zava.  Don’t apologise.  I really feel for you in your fear & anxiety.  Everyone on here is or has been there.

    First of all, please be assured that he is in good hands.  Cancer medics are highly specialised & know their stuff.  They want the best for their patients & will look after him to the best of their ability; now let them do their stuff.

    I am so sorry about your dear daughter.  A shame that she wasn’t seen to at the right time.  You have a good head on you to have contacted the Consultant’s sec. as you did.  But she also is now in the right hands, under treatment, and all being well, past danger.

    You, as the kingpin (or rather queen pin!), now need to look after yourself too.  Don’t let the much-anticipated holiday go for nothing.  You both deserved it, and you also have much to put up sound an intelligent woman who knows herself.  Try & shield yourself a bit now, be particularly kind to yourself, for your own sake as well as theirs.  Allow yourself to lean a bit on others, when offered, applicable & congenial.  The best of good luck, honey.  Keep in touch with whoever suits, and vent on-site whenever necessary!  Two hearts