Melonoma PT4B Breslow depth 4.7mm with ulceration

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  • 74 subscribers

Hi all and thankyou for all the information I have already gleaned from this Forum. I have read quite alot of your recent discussions and I can see that there are people a lot worse off than is very informative and supportive.I am appreciative and  humbled by your fortitude and positivity. 

Of course I am at the start of this journey with only a pathologic staging. I have remained positive as all my scans have come back clear. I am still waiting for my SLNB which I hope will be soonest. I have 4 other suspect lesion and moles which will be removed for biopsy next week.

I appreciate that some people find dealing with cancer difficult and do not want to research the subject. I am the opposite. I have found knowledge has answered a lot of Generic question and has given me the strength to accept that I have cancer and I believe that it is very treatable. 

Of course all our journeys will be different to some degree but I believe we will all reach our destination one step at a time.

The word i hate most at the minute is..WAITING.just about everything is on hold at present Waiting for this appointment or that  but I am learning to be patient ,taking one day at a time. I am sure all our lives have changed ,mine included.I  have found that listening to music podcast, mindfulness breathing and learning about Stoicism as helped me greatly.

I see people ask about Waiting and how long before this happens etc etc and my case has been anxiously slow Ihave put on my Timeline in my profile. I do hope your time ofvwaiting for appointments, results, operation etc will be quicker than mine. I'll keep my profile updated as and when.

I wish to thankyou all inadvance for your support and for all the people you are helping on this Forum.

My thoughts and prayers are with you all.N

  • Hi Tootsietuddles and welcome to this forum.  I've been on here over a year now and am a member on a few forums.  Everyone has been supportive and kind and informative.  I agree that the waiting is a common source of anxiety and stress.  It varies across the country sadly and the pandemic hasn't helped.

    I'm glad you have some resources to enjoy and while away the time, distractions are always good.   I hope you get a date soon for your SNLB.   I waited from April to July for mine partly due to 2 surprise brain aneurysms and the subsequent neurosurgery referral.  

    I guess when you have a cancer diagnosis you want all the info and plans immediately, I know I did.  

    Take care x

  • Hi A.L.thankyou for your supportive words. I have got into Stoicism (not everyone choice) and I am learning to take one day at a time and recognise that I have no control over this or even the next I'm concentrating on only trying to deal with things under my control on a daily basis, such as life style change on food and alcohol and exercise. Only had a few hic ups and fell of the rails.I think that was the wine. Slight smile

  • Hi, I'm sure there's a solution to hiccups when we drink, it's so uncomfortable , Plus we could spill it!

    What is Stoicism please?  I mean I understand the word but it sound like a "method" you follow .'  I'm intrigued.

    I'm a practical person at heart and logical (a nurse for my whole working life- I'm 59) so I too just take a day at a time, always try to do something I like every day.  I love being on my alottment, just mooching around.  I've also had depression for over 20 years.  It seems to be a way of life for me, you wouldn't know I have it.  I try and keep busy everyday but only deal with people for short periods!  

    Lucy x

  • Hi thanks for your reply sharing what Stoicism is.  Very very interesting.  I seem to have lost that post however, maybe you removed it or maybe it's in another thread.

    However I wanted to say thank you also for trusting me with all that info you gave me.  I'm sad to hear you've had such a tough time and admire your courage and motivation to keep going regardless.  I guess we've all been on different life journeys before reaching this particular forum site and sometimes it's easier to bare our souls to strangers as there seems to be no judgements.  X

    • Hi Lucy  I'm not so brave, but thankyou for your lovely words. I used to find it difficult to trust people, other than my lovely wife and immediate family, and even then I went through a terrible patch of not trusting anyone. With their help I am well improved.I still have a lot of issue with  motivaton but I'm still taking one step at a time.

    I was able to talk to you as I had empathy for all that you have gone through. I can relate to what you are going through.When I read your profile , some of 5he things you said I could say. I felt very humbled and pained that someone like you who has been a servant to the sick and needie has ends up suffering.It just dosnt seem right! But I suppose Cancer is not fair.It s totally indiscriminate.

    But here we are..kindness is the opposite to I do appreciate  your kind words of support. I am well distressed at the minute.

    I am at Hospital on Wednesday to have a few more samples taken for biopsy.As a Stoic,  I will accept that they are BCC.Although you may think this is very negative thinking, What I am doing is preparing for the worst but still hoping for the best.either way it will be good to get them removed.

    For this past few years my shoulder have felt a little bit raw and tender when having a shower. My supposed Shingles probably are not.At least now we can get it treated right as the lesions have not healed in six months.

    If your are interested in Stoics I started off with 'daily  stoics'. . I also listen to Dr Rangeen Chatergee on podcast..

    But Remember .I still take a lot of what's said with a pinch of salt it hasn't been in the Daily it may not be True!! Slight smile


  • I am in a similar position to you same staging and results on scans but my nodula melanoma was 6mm. Have recently undergone my WLE & SLNB and now playing the waiting game for results. This is the hardest part… hope you get some news soon x 

  • Thank you for that, will post more again tomorrow 

    • Hi Percy, thankyou for your kind thoughts. I hope you get good news too. May  I ask you , where you able to feel any of your lymph nodes before that might Indicate they  were swollen. I still can't find any.
    • I have done a lot of reading on Melonomas and the treatment for them has improved dramatically over the yrs. The success rate is over 95%. So please stay positive..As we have no control over what the result will be try not and dwell on it. What will be will be.But we do have control over or choices in what we think, what we eat,drink exercise etc. And our attitude. Our bodies will fight this Cancer but we need to help it by helping our immunity system. I think stress is the biggest threat, so be kind to yourself. Be kind to your loved ones. please keep in touch when you get results. Nigel
  • Hi percy, I am on my 4 melanoma, waiting for surgery again on the 17th November. Its very scary waiting for more surgery this time. Hope you get some news soon