It's all gone wrong

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  • 75 subscribers

My husband was diagnosed in April 2021 with a malignant melanoma which started as a lesion on the heel of his foot. We naively thought it was just a blister for a while. Fast forward a bit and after 2 heel ops, he was offered immunotherapy.  After 6 months a PET scan revealed it had travelled to lymph nodes behind his knee and in his groin and the immuno had been ineffective. 10 weeks ago, he had the lymph nodes removed.  All seemed to be going well until 5 days ago , just after a recent PET scan, he was admitted into hospital , severely unwell. Scan results have since shown he has extensive disease on his liver, spleen, lungs and chest cavity lymph nodes with it now also starting in his bones. To say I'm broken is an understatement.  He's only just turned 49 last week. And the irony is it's a rare cancer at his age 

  • So sorry to hear how I’ll your husband is. I hope treatment can help. Sending big hugs to you both.

    I too had an undiagnosed (amelanotic  or non-pigmented) lesion on my heal finally diagnosed in June this year after 3 referrals by my GP by which time it was very deep. Already in lymphs in groin and due to start immunotherapy at the end of the month. 

     I share your frustration and sadness.  There seems to be a big gap in training and literature available to professionals and the public. Channeling some of my frustration into spreading the word.  

  • Groovychick1607, I have no clever words to say hon to you at this awful situation you and your husband are in.  I was diagnosed in April 2021 as well.

    I was ignored by my local health centre for a year and I feel guilty that I wasn't more insistent and let it develop.  

    May I suggest you also join the Carer group as you will find others going through similar experiences. 

    My heart goes out to you both and I'm sending you all my love and a big hug xxxx

  • Thank-you...I really feel for you too. I feel like he's been let down as he's been left off treatment for a long time considering his cancer was very rapid spreading....6 months till they did a scan and here we are now xx thinking of you too in this awful awful situation xx

  • I have done that too! Whenever someone has a wound I always tell them to get it sorted if it seems like it's not healing.  I get so paranoid now . I thinknits because something so tragic has come from something no one would ever have thought could be cancer 

    1. I’m so sorry to hear this and sending lots of love and positive thoughts…I was diagnosed in June with the same rare cancer on my heel which has now resulted in me having my heel completely removed and through scans they found it had spread to my lymph nodes so had a groin dissection…I have my first appointment with specialist on Tuesday to find out results of latest scan and hopefully the start date of immunotherapy…
      Always here for a chat xxx
  • Aww I'm so sorry to hear this....its an awful situation to be in. But don't lose hope, we never did. And now I've had some sleep, I've decided I'm not going to think of the worst. I really do believe that if it's caught early enough, you'll make a full recovery. Unfortunately my husband was immunotherapy resistant so it had 6 months of being able to spread. It's taken a while for them to sort out treatment and now it's just turned into a bigger battle than what we thought.  We'll get there, even if it means just enjoying every single moment we get together xxx