Newbie saying hi

  • 4 replies
  • 75 subscribers

Hi everyone,

Thank you for inviting me to your forum.

It is really wonderful talking to those who are going through similar experiences.  I was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma so far in lung, lymph and thyroid.  I had no idea I had it but ofter leading an active life I started becoming out of breath and ultimately a camera found lymph pushing through my oesophagus.   I was put on immunotherapy and have now completed treatment.  Cancer is still present.

At the moment I am struggling with exhaustion or fatigued and I am positive there us something going wrong with my memory as I'm forgetting things and I use to be an ace in advanced suduko and now find I'm struggling.  I also have abdominal pain and horrid pressure problems in my head, itchy ears (itching behind ear drum), heavy sneezing and a thoat that keeps closing.  Will add, my pores are all going reddish.  

Regardless,  I have not given up and try hard to keep positive!

Sometimes I feel very lonely and tired from pretending all is fine but then I meet people like you all and my determination gets stronger Green heart

  • Stay strong Warriorbelle, stay positive, keep fighting and keep in touch. My thoughts and prayers are with you and my fingers are crossed for a positive outcome of your situation.

  • It’s great to meet you, Warriorbelle.  Thank you for sharing, please continue.  You have been through a lot already & are being very brave - keep on keeping on, bless you x Wilted roseBlossomHibiscus

  • Stay strong from a fellow stage 4 melanoma Heart

  • HI, how are you today.  

    I was diagnosed yesterday... I'm really confused by it all.  I was referred to the breast cancer unit because of a large lump.  I am a man, and the lump which is 6 cm vascular mass lesion is in my armpit .... the biopsy results say I have a melanoma and also cells present in my glands.  I'm waiting on my CT scan.  I guess I'm a little in shock .... it was very weird to hear the consultant say the words ... 

    I'm just sending you hope and hugs