Malignant Melanoma

  • 35 replies
  • 75 subscribers

Hi everyone,

This my first post so I am a bit unsure of how this all works, I have recently been diagnosed with a malignant melanoma and had a mole excision I  have to return for a wide local excision and a different  mole removed I am a bit worried as I have lots of moles and that I will have to have many removed over the next few years and may miss some even though I will be checked regularly.  Wondered if anyone has this same issue.

  • I’m currently waiting for a wide excision too. I’m also covered in moles and quite unsure about what will happen next. I’ve read that you can have mole mapping done (privately) so think I may opt for that. But will discuss with the doctors after my wide excision. 

  • That sounds like a good option I will have a chat with my doctor too I am hoping I will not have to wait to long thanks for your reply it really helps to have contact with other people who are experiencing the same.

  • Yes it does. I’ve had a long wait for the wide excision - finally got a date - 13th September. My mole was initially removed at the end of May. 
    I’m finding the waiting the hardest thing! 
    Have you got a date for your WLE?

  • I had my mole removed on the 16th July the longest wait I had was to get to the GP for an appointment to be referred and waiting for the first hospital appointment, It took about 4 weeks for the result and as it was malignant was told it would be urgent and I received a call today asking if I could go Friday 9th as they have a space, I presume someone may have had to cancel their appointment for some reason and I was slotted in so was really pleased as you say waiting is not nice but I have been very lucky to get back so quick. 

  • Wow! 
    That has come through really quickly!  They told me a fortnight ago that I’d have to wait another 6 weeks to get the WLE. At least this has come through sooner. They phoned me so I assume it was also a cancellation. 
    Good luck next Friday! Let me know how you get on. 

  • Thanks, yes I was surprised after being told it could be a wait even though urgent, bit apprehensive about this and how much they will take, Will let you know how it goes, not looking forward to a bandage on both legs, but not for too long. Great to chat, glad I got in touch with Macmillan helps to chat with others. Chat soon.

  • Had my wide excision nearly 3 weeks ago. Now starting to get about. I did not take in the possibility that anaesthetic or morphine could lead to constipation. Worth being prepared just in case. Take nice dressing gown and slippers. We were led around the hospital to the nuclear department and the hospital gowns are not elegant. I was advised by a melanoma mate to get silk French knickers because of the lymph node biopsy in groin but soft and loose of any kind will help.   A big cushion to prop you up in bed was helpful. A tub of E45 if having a skin graft will help later. These little words of advice helped along with the loan of a wheelchair for hospital appointments because hobbling from the car park to hospital departments was too much. Does anyone else have any suggestions? 

  • Thanks for this advice will be prepared I am so glad I went  on this forum has helped me immensely hope you get the same response your advice really appreciated

  • Did you have your WLE today? How did you get on? Hope it all went well x

  • Hi, I have been for my wide excision today and another mole removed I was very apprehensive and glad it’s over, they used local anaesthetic because he needed two removed and was not prepared for how I started to shake because I had maximum amount for my weight. I was little surprised at the size of the wound, but everyone has a different size depending on original sized mole.  I feel sore and despite being told these would be sent for further investigation I realised that I didn’t take everything in when I saw my doctor after the first diagnosis and now have to wait for the tests but the nurses and doctors were so kind and helpful answered everything I asked them today.   Will have to return in a few weeks,  Good luck Rosy Posy for next week will be thinking about you