BRAF targeted therapy

  • 10 replies
  • 78 subscribers

Hi, recently diagnosed with Stage 3C.  Axillary surgery.  Resected.  Large tumor.  BRAF mutation.  Starting dab/tram this week.  Previously had Stage IA in December 2020 - WLE.    A little worried about the side effects.  Hopefully, I'll be able to tolerate.  Prior to diagnosis, was considered fit and healthy - no meds.  Age 60.

Was given choice between immunotherapy and targeted therapy.  

  • Hi  just wanted to wish you good luck with it all. My husband was in a similar situation to you (see my bio by clicking on my name). I’ve no particular advice to share but just wanted to say hope it all works out well for you on targeted therapy. Is it Dab and Tram? My husband made the same choice as he sit fancy going to hospital every six weeks for immunotherapy injections. All the best 

  • Thanks for checking in!  Yes, it's dab and tram.   Did your husband have difficulties with the targeted therapy?  I started today.  

  • Hello Rich,

    It can be very scary when you see the side-effect but don't wory too much. They keep an eye on you and can always adjust dose, etc.

    I was on them for 12 months in 2019 and only had a couple of side effects like a slight rash and also a temperature for the first night. 

  • Read your bio, how are you doing now? Have you finished your treatment?

  • Yeah, I'm doing well.

    Been clear since I had the WLE back in 2018 and then dab/tram for 12 months as adjunctive treatment to lower the risk of anything coming back.

    Have the occasional scan still but that's about it.

    So far so good.

  • This is great to hear! I hope this will be me too, 2 doses to go Pray tone1 

  • Thanks Scott for calming me down regarding possible side effects!  So far, I've had intermittent nausea (mild) and some fatigue.  That's it so far.  

  • Hi  yes sadly my husband was taken off it after three months as he developed a nasty rash all over his trunk which they couldn’t control with steroid cream.

    The first three months he was absolutely fine - the side effects take awhile to kick in. So he’s now just receiving three monthly checks (no targeted therapy as you only get one chance to try it as an adjuvant therapy).

    I hope it works out well for you! Everyone is so different! Take care. 

  • Hi, just wanted to share my experience wirh you as I am 58yrs old, braf mutation, had axillary surgery, stage 3. Been on Dab and Tram for 3 months, after first week was admitted to a and e and had severe sickness, shakes, tremors gor 3 days. Came off them for 5 days, started again. Fingers crossed only had occasional blips, have reg checks at Christies, keep a close eye on me.  I even managed a 3 week trip to USA on a road trip a few weeks ago! Had been planned gor a year, under guidance of oncologist and was in constant contact with specialist nurse. I made my mind up to go on immunotherapy but oncologist changed it, I thought it would be less disruptive, with having to time pills and make sure I gave enough, glad I made this choice now after more research. Hope you're OK on them, persevere but listen to your body, get plenty of rest and don't be scared to take a short break, I learned it won't do you any harm. Good luck xx

  • Hi Richard, I had a 1a on my abdomen and also found a swollen lymph node.

    I have a full clearance and have just found out that just the 1 out of 19 was positive, it was 45mm.

    I am waiting for my appointment with the Oncologist!

    Not been staged yet.

    I'm scared of the immunotherapy,  how have you been on it?