Awaiting biopsy

  • 4 replies
  • 75 subscribers

Hello dear ones,

I am just writing to get some feedback of your own experience, as I am now just awaiting biopsy. 6 months ago I realized I have a strange mole on my tight that I didnt remember having. My partner tried to calm me down and told me not to create stress and invent illness I dont have.

I decided to do nothing but recently I noticed change of colour and borders of the mole changed. No itch or pain. Of course, googled (the inevitable sin) and I got myself super scared as what I have looked very much as melanoma. I called my GP, sent them pictures and they decided I need to see dermatologist in the next two weeks. 

My appointment was really strange, as the doctor just looked at it with her tool, I showed her the pictures Ive taken myself in October 2021 and the one from March and she said "Its definitely going'. So I asked her what do you think this is and her response was "We need to take jt out'.

No explanation whatsoever. She gave me a piece of paper and sent me to get a medical photograph. Next thing I know is I am at the bus shaking in shock, as I was so eager to hear that its nothing and it doesn't need any further action. 

Ive waited 10 days for the call to appoint the biopsy. When I finally managed to contact them I told the nurse I havent been told anything - for the life of me I didnt even know what this surgery is going to be, I just started new job and felt so scared and ashamed for not trusting my gut and taking action earlier. 

Wanted to thank all of you in the forum as I realize so many of you went through the same fears. Want to be positive and rational so whoever reads that and like me is awaiting biopsy, nothing is certain before the lab results, that helps me keep my head high and embrace whatever comes my way. :) Thank you for this platform, def worth more than the random google results.

  • The waiting really is the hardest part. Biopsy …. I have no advice regarding this as the day I went to dermatology they cut my spot out there and then and assured me they didn’t think it was anything to worry about…… I would  keep calling them regarding an appointment for the biopsy. Best  wishes x 

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I have had several biopsies over the years and you are quite right that until the biopsy is done neither you, nor the consultant who has referred you for a biopsy, can be certain whether what you have is melanoma or just an abnormal mole. The first time I had a mole removed the consultant told me he was sure that it wasn't cancerous, whereas it turned out to be, and the second time a different consultant was concerned that the mole she wanted a biopsy doing on might be cancerous and it wasn't.

    Mostly consultants, just like yours, won't say anything one way or another when they examine you as they know how difficult it can be to know just by looking at it. Of course you wanted to hear that it was nothing to worry about and I know how hard waiting to be seen and then get results can be. 

    You said that you've managed to speak to a nurse. Was she able to give you any idea how long it would be before you'd get an appointment for the biopsy? If she did and it's past that time then give the dermatology department at your hospital a call and ask if you've been scheduled for the biopsy yet. If you weren't given an idea of when you should hear, again give dermatology a call and see where you are on the waiting list. If you're told that it will be a while yet you could always ask to be put on the cancellations list as people cancel all the time for various reasons.

    You also said that "I didn't even know what this surgery is going to be". Well in my experience biopsies are done under a local anaesthetic. The anaesthetic injection is a little uncomfortable but after that you won't feel a thing. The mole will be removed, along with an area of healthy tissue, and then sent off to the pathology laboratories for testing. Your wound will be stitched and a dressing applied.

    Before you leave you should be told how to care for your wound, when you'll need to have the stitches removed (if they're not dissolvible) and how long biopsy results are currently taking in your area of the country. If they don't tell you how you'll get your results then ask as some hospitals send results by post, others do telephone appointments while others get you in for a face-to-face appointment.

    Let us know how you get on


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  • Many thanks for your response! Your words are really helping me out to cope with all this.

    I already have a date for the excision at the end of this month. I feel lucky as they managed to book me so soon after seeing me in the end of March. I realize many people wait a lot more.

    Yes, the nurse told me all I wanted to know. She was very kind and said the results will come back from 2-4 weeks. 

    Your comment really helps me understand the behaviour of the consultant, I realize the last thing they want is to scare people for no reason. 

    Your input is invaluable, Thank you so much! 

  • Thanks for your reply! Yes, waiting is the killer, but I am trying to keep calm as much as possible.

    Best wishes to you too!