Feeling shocked and scared.

  • 4 replies
  • 75 subscribers

Hi. So glad I found this site as it’s already been helpful. Was referred to a dermatologist after noticing a mole near my shoulder blade had grown. After an examination, the registrar said straight away it was “an ugly duckling” and called a senior consultant in who confirmed it was malignant melanoma. The mole measured 2.5 by 1.5 cms and was removed there and then and sent to the lab. Six stitches later, was told I would be contacted within 2 weeks (this was 6 days ago). I just feel like my world has been turned upside down and can’t think of anything else other than what’s going to happen next. They were lovely at the hospital but couldn’t take it all in at the time. They did say I might get the results by telephone call from consultant does this make it more serious? Just wishing the week away now. 

  • Hi  and welcome to the forum.  I don’t have any answers for you but just to say you are feeling exactly the same as I did in January when I saw a dermatologist who also removed two suspicious moles there and then.  I got a phone call from his secretary two weeks later to go in the next day to see him.  I could barely think of anything else for those two weeks and spent probably too much time googling and in online groups (had to leave one as it was making me overly anxious). In a weird way, it was a relief when I had the news confirmed that mine were both melanomas and the consultant was very reassuring explaining what would happen next. I have felt in very safe hands over the last few months.  The waiting is definitely the worst part as many here will testify.  Take care and keep in touch - lots of knowledge and support in this group xx

    • Hi Tinkerbell. Thanks so much for confirming that waiting is the hardest part. Think it helped just writing how I was feeling on here and knowing others have the same worries. Good to hear you’re in safe hands. Thanks again and I will let you know how I get on. xx
  • Rosie1, how are you coping with the wait hon? X

  • That’s kind of you to ask, it’s been the longest 10 days. Tried to keep busy when not working but it’s like there’s always something to remind you. I wish I’d have asked more questions at the time- like when she said the results would be 2 weeks but she had already told me it was melanoma, so I feel like I’m just waiting for it to be confirmed. Anyway not much longer to wait now. Hope you are feeling well in yourself. x