New to this - pembrolizumab

  • 15 replies
  • 67 subscribers

Hi, i am new and have a question about pembrolizumab and the side effects.  I am receiving treatment every 6 week's I had my second one on 21st Feb. I had been ok no side effects at all until the last week or so  when my hands suddenly become really painful.

Has anyone else experienced this? 

  • I am so sorry to hear that how awful thank you so much for sharing your experience it means a lot - wishing you all the best xx

  • Thank you so much for sharing your experience

    I read your bio- bloody hell how scary for you I’m so glad there are positives coming your way  wishing you all the best xxxx

  • Scary… yes! Utterly terrified of what the future holds xx over thinking to the max! X positive head on…. Scans will continue to be clear and I have neatly completed the 9 doses x 

  • @Amccl was good to read your profile.  I am due to meet oncologist for the first time on Friday at Beatson.  I suspect I will be offered Pembrolizumab

  • Hi das353

    i was also diagnosed at 49. I had 2 primary melanomas on my back that had spread to one node in my armpit. 
    at the end of January I completed 9 treatments every 6 weeks of Pembro.

    I was quite lucky with few side effects, fatigue and some skin irritation. I didn’t have painful hands I am sorry to hear that and I hope it resolved soon. The skin irritation still troubles me and my oncologist said it could carry on for the rest of this year but it’s a good sign as my immune system is still hyperactive. I hope so.

    wishing you all the very best with the rest of your Pembro.