Worried Wife - Husband Refusing SLN Biopsy

  • 13 replies
  • 68 subscribers

Hi everyone,

Not great circumstances to meet but I'm grateful these forums exist for help and support.

My husband has recently been diagnosed with stage 1b Malignant Melanoma Breslow thickness 1mm.  

He will be having a WLE in March and has been offered a SLN biopsy but refuses to have it.  He doesn't have any sensible explanation as to why he won't have it but I'm really worried and think he should.

He is a 52 year old man so obviously I can't force him to but feel like if he doesn't it will always be a case of what if.

Has anyone else with a stage 1b diagnosis decided against a SLN biopsy?  I wasn't allowed to go to his appointment with him so I don't know if it was a strong recommendation from the Plastic Surgeon or just given to him as an option.

I wish I could have gone as I have so many questions I would have asked that he did not.

We also have critical illness cover and we are not sure if we would have a valid claim with his stage of diagnosis so any advice or past experience of claiming would be much appreciated.

Thank you 

  • Hi KTatHome.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to send this. It is very useful at spelling out the pros and cons.

    Thanks again.

  • Hi Mastay, I’m glad the links were useful. I’ve just reread your original post and you mention that there were many questions you would have liked to have asked. At my hospital questions are not confined to the 10 mins or so that often the appointments take. I wonder if it’s worth checking if your husband has been given the number of a specialist nurse, I have one that you can contact with additional questions or new info that you think they should know before the next appointment. It may be worth drawing up a list of questions together and giving them a call. 

    I always take a note book into my appointments or have it handy for telephone ones as it’s s easy to forget things with the anxiety or time pressures. My husband likes to record the appointments on his phone and has questions or details he wants put on my list. 

    I haven’t had a SLNB as I had no primary found, so I can’t help with my experience but I hoped the links would help you talk together to see each other’s points of view. 

    Take care KT

  • Hi Mastay, how is your husband getting on now two years on? I had a 1.0mm deep melanoma removed earlier this year. I was unable to have the SLNB but I have had the WLE, just waiting on the results.