Worried Wife - Husband Refusing SLN Biopsy

  • 13 replies
  • 68 subscribers

Hi everyone,

Not great circumstances to meet but I'm grateful these forums exist for help and support.

My husband has recently been diagnosed with stage 1b Malignant Melanoma Breslow thickness 1mm.  

He will be having a WLE in March and has been offered a SLN biopsy but refuses to have it.  He doesn't have any sensible explanation as to why he won't have it but I'm really worried and think he should.

He is a 52 year old man so obviously I can't force him to but feel like if he doesn't it will always be a case of what if.

Has anyone else with a stage 1b diagnosis decided against a SLN biopsy?  I wasn't allowed to go to his appointment with him so I don't know if it was a strong recommendation from the Plastic Surgeon or just given to him as an option.

I wish I could have gone as I have so many questions I would have asked that he did not.

We also have critical illness cover and we are not sure if we would have a valid claim with his stage of diagnosis so any advice or past experience of claiming would be much appreciated.

Thank you 

  • Hi 

    Back in November I was diagnosed with stage 2 Melanoma, on Tuesday of this week I attended day surgery and under a general anaesthetic  a WLE, and SLN biopsy was carried out, I’ll get the results of the biopsy in 3-4 weeks.

    The consultant explained to me that 80% of the people who have a SLN biopsy require no further treatment just further screening.

  • FormerMember

    Hello Mastay 

    I have also been diagnosed with stage 1b Melanoma like your husband (1.6 on the breslow). I am currently waiting for the results of my WLE and SLNB.

    So yes I had the SNLB. If I can add what both my dermatology consultant and plastic surgeon said...my consultant said whilst it doesn't alter anything it does confirm an accurate staging of diagnosis. If clear I remain at 1b and if not it gets changed to 3b. He was supportive of whatever I wanted to do.

    The plastic surgeon was not as supportive. He stressed the risks of surgery under General anesthesia for a person of my age (65). Although he didn't ask me any lifestyle questions (the anaesthetist who did ask classed me as low risk). The surgeon stated "it's not a cure", it won't extend your life expectancy ( then added there is some evidence it can), all in all I got the strong impression he was trying to put me off having the surgery. I felt pretty wretched leaving that appointment. 

    For me it was the needing to know that prompted my decision to go ahead. I was also told adjunctive therapy wasn't "a given" so even if I wasn't clear there could still be an issue.There are Nice guidelines that hopefully Latchbrook will post the link to on the pros and cons of the SNLB. 

    The surgery itself was absolutely fine and I have recovered really well. I was very nervous going into the hospital on the day alone. Is your husband worried about being put to sleep? I think most people worry about that..there is also the risk of lymphoedema that might be bothering him.

    I can't say if he should or shouldn't have the SNLB all I can say is that it was the right decision for me.

    As for your insurance, have a look at the policy detail it should give you more info but Melanoma stage 1b is classed as invasive cancer. I think there are others who have posted that they are claiming in similar circumstances.

    Wishing you and your husband all the best.

  • Hi Mastay

    i will be having my WLE and SLN this Thursday the Surgon just gave me the option and suggested most people have it done for peace of mind. Also the survival rate is 86% 

    that’s good Ida to me and I definitely need to know it hasn’t spread 

    good luck and take care

  • Thank you so much for taking the time to reply.

    I know this is happening to my husband and it’s his decision. I feel bad for being selfish wanting to put my mind at rest. I just wish he would change his mind.

    I hope you have a speedy recovery and get the results you will be hoping for.

    Thanks again, your reply is much appreciated.

  • Thank you so much for taking the time to reply and providing detailed information, it really helps.

    I hope you are recovering well from your surgery.

    I’m really struggling to understand why he won’t have the SLN biopsy but also accept it’s ultimately his decision. He says he doesn’t want it to ‘drag on’ any longer than it has to but it could also be a case that he is nervous but won’t say.

    He has always been ever the optimist where as I am the complete opposite so I do feel a bit selfish that maybe it’s more for my peace of mind than his.

    He doesn’t have his WLE until beginning of March so still time to discuss but I think he has made his mind up.

    Wishing you the very best of luck for your results.

    Thank you.

  • Hi Johnny H,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply.

    I believe from what my husband said after his appointment the SLN biopsy was offered as an option rather than a strong recommendation but like you I would want to know for peace of mind.

    Wishing you the best of luck for your surgery and your results.

    Take care.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Mastay

    Hi Mastay,

    I found the information regarding the pros and cons. 

    Google search nice guidelines for melanoma SLNB you will see if you scroll down Melanoma: sentinel lymph node biopsy-yes or no? NICE it may help you both...sorry I can't attach the link I am not that skilled Rolling eyes. Hope it helps. 

  • Hello Mastay,

    Heres the link I think Anne1536 was referring to


    There’s also the link below which may be helpful


    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    Hello KTatHome,

    Yes it was the link I had in mind thanks. The second link you posted was very good I hadn't seen that one before.

    Best wishes Anne.

  • Thank you Anne1536.

    I have kindly been sent the link and the information is very useful.

    Thanks again.