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Hi I went to my docter just over a week ago with 5 days I was seeing a dermatologist very next day I had the the mole removal. I am worried it's something bad

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community

    It's perfectly natural to assume the worst but lots of people come here, just like yourself, worried that a mole may be melanoma and it turns out not to be. My best advice is to try and take one step at a time and try not to worry about something that might not happen.

    I know that saying "try not to worry" can be easier said than done so now is the time to indulge yourself in things you enjoy doing so that you take your mind off the 'what ifs'. I have hobbies that I could loose myself in, others enjoy watching films on TV or just meeting friends for a coffee. Basically anything to help you relax.

    When are you expecting your results back?

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