Axillary Lymph Node Removal

  • 4 replies
  • 74 subscribers

Hi All, 

I now have a date for my operation it is going to be on the 19/01/2022. They will remove all the lymph nodes from under my arm and chest. I have done some reading and more recently have read that there is evidence to say that it is not always necessary to remove all the lymph nodes ? Does anyone have any experience of this or making a decision to remove on,y the swollen lymph node  ? Also did anyone else have a continuous cough ? I have had this for a while, it is not Covid related. Thanks x 

  • Hello Summeris10, I'm glad to hear things are happening for you.  As regards the removal of all the lymph nodes I believe it's fading out as a surgical option due to research which shows there's little benefit to doing it and the possible subsequent lymphoedema can be life affecting in a negative way.

    Every oncologist has different views, I presume it's the oncologist who dictates what they want done to you to the surgeon as I don't know if all surgeons are up to date on lymphoedema risks?

    Hope so.  I had SLNB(sentinel lymph node biopsy) which is when a radioactive substance is injected into exactly where the mole was, the next day during surgery a blue dye is put in the same place. These two substances flag up which lymph node directly drains the mole as that's the first place it goes to obviously. My surgeon took out one node either side of the sentinel node to test as well.  Theory says if the cancer is in the sentinel node then stray cells can have travelled from there anywhere already so therefore why take out all of them?  It's always worth questioning your doctor's the reason why they are doing what they are doing.   The adjuvant immunotherapy is to catch any stray cells, that's how I understand all this anyhow.   I haven't had a cough at all so can't help there. It could well be just a virus hon, nothing to do with the melanoma at all.  Keep hydrated, lots of vitamin c. Take care xx

  • Hi, thanks for the reply. 

    My op did not go ahead in the end. They were struggling with beds on arrival at the hospital 07:30 and then when they resolved this, they ran out of time and cancelled it at 16:00. All the build up and nerves arrrgh… I am now pencilled in for the 2nd but they cannot confirm this until next week. 

    it is worrying as when you read on hear about the cancer spreading, I have had the lymph node metastasis since June, diagnosed in November and had no treatment as yet. I am trying to remain positive as that’s all you can do. 

    Hope you are ok. 

  • Summeris10, I'm so sorry to hear this news.  You must be so frustrated, worried and angry.  I had to wait from end of march til July before getting my surgery as the two brain aneurysms and neck node had to be investigated first. I just kept thinking about it spreading as we probably all do. Every day was so hard.  My heart goes out to you.  Helplessness is the worst thing, I hated it so much, waiting for others and the disease to decide my fate.   Love and hugs to you xx

  • Hi, 

    I guess it is all very worrying, it is like a cycle of ups and downs. I think the biggest thing is no control. We have to keep going though and understand the best coping mechanisms which will help us individually. . I am back cycling and fuelling my positive mindset….hopefully this week will see another op date. I hope you are doing ok, keep strong. X