Hello I'm new just had my cancer diagnosis.

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Hello I had my cancer diagnosis just before Christmas went to the Doctor with swollen lymph nodes, after several visits to the first the breast and secondly dermatology departments they diagnosed that the small melanoma in situ that was removed 4 years ago had  travelled to my lymph nodes. A very very rare occurrence apparently! 

Whatever!  I now have to face what's coming next, I am finding the wait between appointments the hardest I just want to get on with it and start some treatment. everyone I have met so far in the NHS is being really lovely and supportive, and to be honest after the initial shock I am coping ok, and in fact more worried about the effect on my family.

I am now waiting for a appointment with the oncologist and  an underarm lymph node removal can't say I'm looking forward to that at all, but no treatment until they are removed. 

Thought this forum would be a great way of contacting all of you who have been or going through this situation or should I say challenge!  Its also strange how people have reacted with the news, mostly supportive but a few don't really know how to handle it . I would rather be open and discuss the cancer than hide it and pretend I'm ok, I know I'm on a knife edge little things mean a lot now and the support of a group would be great. 

  • Hi Lautel - I’m sorry that it has gone to your nodes but try and stay positive that you caught it.

    there are so many treatments out there now that will zap away the cells and let you go on living a normal life.

    I am waiting for my CT and MRI results and I won’t lie, it’s been really hard not to think of the worst. I try to tell myself there is literally nothing I can do about it so what’s the point worrying - but I still allow myself to be upset.

    wishing you all the best xx

  • Hi, 

    I found out the swollen lymph node under my arm was Melanoma, although they cannot find the primary. I have a Lymph node axillary dissection booked in on the 19/01. My daughter is struggling but mostly my friends and family have been great. I hope you get your appointment soon. I have not seen an oncologist yet, I have seen the plastic surgeon who will remove the lymph nodes, then I will see the oncologist x 

  • Hi Lautel…..sorry to hear about your new situation and glad that your experiences of the NHS is so positive…it really does help…I’ve just had my first Pembro immunotherapy treatment after being diagnosed as. 3B…cells had traveled from my original site to one lymph node…I don’t actually feel any different…it’s the things that go around in my head that are the most difficult along with waiting times between appointments and I think most people say the same…this group is brilliant and I have found people on here both informative and supportive…I’m very much a up front person, I need to know everything and I am very open in discussing what’s happening but not everyone is the same and that can be tough and a little rejecting…but hopefully you will have the freedom here to share whatever is happening for you and get a positive response…take care x

  • Hi Laurel, I'm sorry to hear that your melanoma has returned after 4 years.  It must be a shock after thinking all was clear.  There's no doubt that we all manage this initial waiting time differently.  I hid out on my alottment as I had extra time to wait whilst they processed o CT find of two brain aneurysms and a swollen neck node!

    I found the same with friend and family, some were pretty much up front but one brother wouldn't contact me. I learned that I can't control how others deal with it, it's more than enough to manage my own feelings!

    Nowadays it's more and more unusual to have all the lymph nodes removed as it's thought that if the melanoma is already in the lymph then there is little benefit in taking all nodes out but all surgeons are different.  

    I hope your journey starts soon hon. My own journey started in march and my immunotherapy started in September with tiredness as my only side effect. Take care hon and keep talking on here x

  • Apologies, Lautel not Laurel. Predictive text is annoying.