Melanoma ? Melanocytoma ?

  • 8 replies
  • 73 subscribers

Hi there hope that all in good spirit well as much you can.

I dont have my diagnoses yet but been tested for Melanoma very Nodules at bottom spine  had various MRI and CT scans Lumber puncture Mole removed etc...

In 2020 i had a Tumour removed from L1L2 on mu spine which was Melanocytoma  ( Benin )  this tumour is localised but where it grows it is aggressive which is followed up by MRI scans and a growth has started again about 9 month later but this time extensive nodules on T1 T2 lower part of my spine ....

i been referred from Neurology to Ontology and been told they look into Radiotherapy , still waiting for results from tests and that this Melanocytoma on very

rare occasion can turn itself into Melanoma . 

  • Hi Osmoth, well I’ve just googled Melanocytoma cos I’d never heard of it, and I haven’t had radiotherapy.  The one thing we all have in common though is the waiting and uncertainty it brings, so thought I’d pop in to say hi while you are in your wait for more answers.

    Have you got a date for your oncology appointment yet ? 

    Take care KT

  • [deleted]

    Thank you for your time. Take care.


  • If you Google Rare Tumour can even grow behind the eye ..the follow up after gross removal is Radiotherapy. I could forward a link so you could read about this tumour. 


    Thank you for your time. Take care.


  • Yeah I could do that sometime.

    I was wondering if you’ve seen the group  Radiotherapy & Side Effects forum, if you know that’s the treatment you might have that group may help as well. 

    Take care KT

  •       try this link it enplanes a bit...thank you the other link you send me about radiotherapy i have seen the Oncologist and yes we talked about this therapy and you can read in the link i send that radio therapy is a follow up after Gross Removal of this Tumour. 

    best wishes.

    Thank you for your time. Take care.


  • Thank you for your time. Take care.


  • Hi Osmoth, thanks for the link I’ve read the link now. How are you feeling ? I must admit I am wondering if your tumour is like a bone cancer? As it talks about the spine in the link.

    Take care KT

  • no idea... my story is a long road to this stage where i am know. 

    It stared mid 2019 with chronic constipation so i had a Endoscopy and Colonoscopy no reason found for my consipation . So the gastro consultant ordered a CT Scan they found a Haitus Hernia in my gut , Diverticulitis in the sigmond colon and chronic pancreatitis still no reason for constipation , so next MRI scan there they found abnormality on my spine and within 5 days i had spinal surgery. 

    it was tested and thought i had Melanoma but one result was still outstanding within 3 month waiting i got the final result which is Melanocytoma . After Gross removal and meeting with the cancer team it was decided follow up every 6 month with MRI scans. 

    I never had any pain at all where the tumour was so with pot look it was found thanks to my Gastro Consultant investigation for chronic constipation.

    The year after my op was real bad i keep loosing weight could not walk properly could not sit down without pain , only this year i gain weight again and scramble up and down the hills where i live . 

    Than came september and another MRI the find was Nodules growing around T1 T2  ( enhanced )  so now full spine scan again . Since september i had 4 MRI , Ultrasound , CT scans , eye test, and thyroid test and a mole removed for test i am worn out. 

    I was handed over from my Neuro surgeon to Oncology there i get seen now and waiting treatment, my hospital is 45 minutes away from and 45 back which also wares me out as i have chronic pancreatitis and i am on diet plan set time when to eat and what to eat. 

    Thank you for your time. Take care.
