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  • 75 subscribers

Hi- had a mole removed in November and had a call on xmas eve that it was malignant despite being seen by 2 dermatologists - one privately who both said it looked ok. At time of removal the constant asked if I wanted to proceed- thank goodness I did. 
I’m now facing further surgery - am guessing a wide excision and am absolutely petrified. I had transitional cell ca of kidney 10 yrs ago so this is blow.

Any advice re this journey would be appreciated.

thank you x

  • Dear Hanandy

    Thinking of you as when you receive this kind of news it is gutting  and life changing instantaneously. I received mine a year ago on 4 December. 
    2 skin discolourations on my back, I had dermatologists annually ( last one summer 2020) and no one remarked on these but they removed in end of November 2020 and both were melanoma. 
    I had 2 surgeries following this WLE and SNB in both my underarms. One node was positive in my right axilla. I was staged 3c.

    I have since been having Immunotherapy every 6 weeks - I have 8 treatments in total and only 1 left to go! It has been a life saver. I have ct scans every 3 months, skin checks every 3 months and lymph node ultrasounds every 4 months.

    the waiting for results and the plan ahead seems to take forever and is so hard. Try and do things that bring you joy but don’t hide your feelings, try and talk to people and especially here for support, it is also a lifeline.

    when things are moving on it helps and you feel like you are getting somewhere but the waiting is so hard. Rest when you need to and do what you can when you can.

    best wishes and hang in there by coming to this group you have already taken a massive step forward. X

  • Hi , I am also on pembro ( dose 4 tomorrow ). Lymph  node ultrasound …. I have never been offered this or heard this mentioned. Maybe I should ask about it at my next appointment . Waiting on ct results coming back ( neatly 2 weeks ago I had that) x 

  • Hi I’ve just started Pembrolizumab too - awaiting results of ct scan. Armpit scanning every 3 months too after sentinel node biopsy where one node affected. Staged at 3b. Good thing about armpit scanning is they tell you there and then if they find anything. My original mole was biopsied 10 years ago after becoming itchy and I came away believing that it wasn’t something that would become cancerous so I just left it when it became itchy again. Feel lucky my GP was quick off the mark when I finally did get it seen. Bit hard to get your head around isn’t it

    1. It’s such a lot to get your head around isn’t it! Mines was never a mole it was more like a spot that never went away xx it’s a whole new world and mentally it’s tough x 
  • Sure is. Take care x