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Hi, I am new to the forum and the group. I have recently been diagnosed with Melanoma in my lymph node under my armpit following a biopsy. I had my COVID jab back in June and literally about three days later I got a egg size lump under my arm and a small swelling on the back of my leg. I had not felt well for a while and had lost weight, my symptoms were worse at night. I went to the GP who dismissed it as fatty tissue and told me to come back in four weeks. It was still there and I was booked in for an ultra sound, this showed an enlarged lymph node big in size, they dismissed it. It was still there in September so I badgered the GP who did a phone appointment. I had blood tests my vitamin D was extremely low so they gave me an overload dose and she put my symptoms down to this, and told me to monitor it for a month. I was due to get married, but as soon as I returned from honeymoon I booked back in to see her. She finally agreed to refer me. On my birthday, in November I went to women’s services and he examined me and immediately sent me for another ultrasound, mammogram and biopsy. Two days later I went back and they confirmed cancer cells were in the lymph. I have had a CT scan and MRI which are clear. Due to the backlog connected with Covid I was prioritised by the consultant for a two week appt and this will be on Monday with plastics. Does anyone know what I can expect ?  And do they remove the lymph and then decide on treatment and also did you check with them before having the Covid Booster. Thanks in advance it has been a very worrying time. 

  • Hi Summeris10, I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis and your long wait for it. It sounds like you had a needle biopsy to confirm melanoma like I’ve had. After my needle biopsy I had an appointment to see plastics, a surgeon wanted to see the site that he would be operating on and he then explained what surgery they wanted to do. My surgery on my groin was going to be under general anaesthetic so I also needed a pre surgery assessment appointment where they asked some health questions weighed me took my blood pressure and arranged for an ecg. My surgery was in my pelvic area though not under my arm. They may also discuss removing several nodes not just the one. With me I only had one removed but they discussed taking more.

    The removal of the lymph node that has cancer cells in it is treatment in itself, then I had immunotherapy Pembrolizumab once I had recovered from surgery but that was discussed with oncology, so you might have a few appointments over the next few weeks. It might feel a bit like a whirlwind. If there is anything that you forget to ask at the appointments they usually give you the name and number of a specialist cancer nurse who can find out further answers for you. 

    Edited: I forgot your question about the booster, I was encouraged to have it but not too close to surgery.

    Take care KT

  • Hi Summer,

    I'm sorry you're going through such a stressful time. I hope that your appointment on Monday will help you to feel a little more in control of the situation. I know that as soon as I understood the plan a bit more with mine I felt much better. It's the unknowns that are the most difficult part.

    Re. Booster:

    I am waiting to see if I need immunotherapy first (hopefully I will get my results by next week) before committing to a booster. Both the vaccine, COVID and immunotherapy can cause immune over reaction so any two at the exact same time doesn't appeal to me. However, individual risk factors must vary based on age and other medical conditions so I would discuss with your plastics consultant. 

    Also, I was told not to have a booster in the fortnight immediately prior to or until I was recovered from surgery. I would imagine because it can dampen your immunity for a while, and also the risk of blood clots depending where your surgery is (mine was groin and thigh near my knee so it was difficult for me to move about properly for a while). Again, I would get specific advice for your situation from your consultant.

    Re treatment:

    I was very anxious about having a sentinel lymph node biopsy - they removed two of my nodes for testing. I was massively reassured by the surgeon explaining they don't routinely remove all of the lymph nodes anymore if they find cancer, because there's immunotherapy. (Disclaimer: I have no understanding of the details of this because I'm waiting for results so haven't researched it any further).

    Good luck for Monday,

    Kate xx

  • Hi KAte

    Thanks for the reply, my appointment is today so I feel better knowing a bit more about what to expect. I also think your right about the plan. I think the not knowing and waiting, for me, is worse is worse than knowing. 

    take care too 

    T x 

  • Hi Kat,

    Thanks  for the info, it was good to understand a bit more about the removal of the Lymph node and that’s a treatment. I am seeing the consultant today so will hopefully feel like I have a few answers. 

    Take Care 


  • Good luck with your appointment today

    Take care KT

  • Summeris10, hi. How did your appointment go!  Were you able to get your questions answered?  Hopefully the docs reassured you re the new immunotherapy drugs that are now being used and you came away with some positive vibes.  I just thought I'd message you as I saw you'd had your appointment by now. X

  • Hi, Thanks for checking in, I saw the plastic surgeon. They can’t find the primary so they are going to do a axillary lymph removal. He said this is usually followed up by immunotherapy but until they have done it and checked out the cancer then they cannot 100% say. It is a 3 hour op followed by some drains to drain the fluid etc. I have not had an operation for about 18 years. He said it usually is done within 2 weeks but because of Covid it may be 6-8 weeks. I am Braf negative. I have my pre op assessment on New Years Eve morning. I hope you are ok and managed to enjoy Christmas x