Awaiting the diagnosis

  • 11 replies
  • 77 subscribers

Hello everyone....I am on the emotional rollercoaster. In 2019 I saw a large ugly mole on my back by chance in a store changing room. I phoned my doctor's and was told I was "in luck" as they had a mole expert in the surgery that day. Feeling reassured by that off I went to the appt. The doctor was quite off hand and told me it was absolutely nothing to worry about, clearly a benign harmless growth. He informed me this would not be removed on the NHS but if I wanted it removed for cosmetic reasons that would be for me to do privately.. I have absolutely no vanity, don't wear makeup, don't dye my hair etc (good for those who do just not my style)so having a cosmetic procedure wouldn't have been on my list of things to do. He told me those growths were always benign with no words of caution. 

October 23rd 2021 it started to itch...I went back to my GP and the doctor I saw this time did an urgent referral. My consultant took one look and told me he would be amazed if it wasn't melanoma and needed an urgent removal. He also felt I had had it since 2019. He has written to my doctor with this view.

So like many of you I am now waiting for the biopsy result with all the worry that goes with that. I have scared myself witless with Google.

I doubt I am alone there! So to anyone else who is going through the gamut of emotions you have a friend in me!

  • Best of luck with the result and outcome. My GP took a similar approach, initially, but I suggested that if there was even the remotest chance it was not just a mole I would like it removing. He agreed to do it himself 2 weeks later and, hey presto, it was a melanoma in situ. At least he admitted that he was surprised and referred me off for a WLE. I hope your's isn't too advanced after 2 years.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lynskey

    Thanks Lynskey, I will post the results expecting them in a week. When I saw my consultant he actually went along the corridor knocking on the treatment room doors to see if anyone could remove it that day...I ended up paying for him to do it privately a week later.

  • Hi Anne1536…I’m so so sorry you have found your way here under the circumstances you have….I went to my GP a couple of years ago and was told nothing to worry about and in July it started to grow a second lump and it became an urgent case…so I empathise….please don’t google, there is so much stuff out there that’s not relevant or out of date, Macmillan is a great site for solid info…others will no doubt message and provide any helpful advice that they can…everyone has different outcomes but once you have got the results of your biopsy you will be in a better place to know what the next stage is….waiting is tough, everyone here says the same…but try stay positive and reach out if you are struggling…take care x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to IvysMum

    Many thanks IvysMum I appreciate your help and advice. 

  • Hi Anna1536. I know exactly how you feel when I was waiting for my biopsy results. The worst thing I ever did was go on Dr Google, I ended up having to go onto antidepressants from my gp because I scared myself so much reading all the horror stories. Please take some kind advice and stick to this site or cancer research. I waited 6 weeks for my results and in that time I imagined it had spread and was really bad news. Yes I was called back for the results and I’m stage 1A which I realise I’m very, very lucky to have caught it early. The dermatologist also told me he suspected melanoma when he did the biopsy.  I’m now waiting for the WLE op date. Please be kind to yourself and try not to worry too much, it’s true that this is the worst part. I was relieved when I was told my diagnosis as now I know what I’m dealing with. Take care. K. x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kaussie

    Many thanks Kaussie, so pleased for you they caught it early. I am so thankful to hear from others who truly understand, it does help. Hope you get your date soon xx 

  • Hi I am in a similar situation but was lucky that my GP  did an urgent referral on the first visit.  Had my biopsy 2 weeks ago and waiting for results.  Have been told it could be 4 weeks.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Tracey13

    Hi Tracey13, Many thanks for sharing with me. Hope you get good news and at the very least it has been detected early. I had my stitches out today and the nurse commented how amazingly well it had healed. Hopefully one week until results. 

  • Hope everything goes ok for you too Anne.  Please let me know how you get on

    1. Hi, I too had a mole looked at by a doctor a couple of years ago , was told it was nothing to worry about .Well back this summer in July by persuasion of my family , I contacted a doctor again ( this time a different doctor ) he told me not to worry , but think we will get this looked at .One week later I was seen at hospital by a specialist , next week had it removed . The lady that took it off looked worried for me and told me  what she thought , took me by the hand and said " let's hope for the best but to expect the worst " . Well it came back Melanoma, and this has lead me on my journey so far . Lots of ups downs and all that's in between, so you are not on your own and it's what I'm thinking as being normal . Iv been on a journey of scans showing larger lymph nodes, leading to a biopsie, and extra taken away around the mole area . They came back all clear, but on another scan , it still showed an abnormal node , bang back down again, another biopsy showed all was ok . They think it was because I had problems with the surgery from lymph node removed ( 2 lots of antibiotics to sort it ) . So here I am actually today 5 months later starting immunotherapy , even though every thing as far as they know is ok , there giving me treatment every 6 weeks for a year as precaution, a bibs and braces situation to higher my chances of it not coming back . I'm feeling a bit apprehensive about how this treatment will affect me , but at the same time feel lucky they are looking after me and my future . Can not praise our NHS enough , and how if they wasn't on it so quick I don't know where I would be right now . Stay positive always ...