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Feeling scared, just found out biopsy back and have Melanoma, now waiting for WLE and also lymphmode to be removed for biopsy to see if spread. All this waiting is getting me so down, and i cannot sleep as my mind is working overtime. Thought it would be good to speak to people in the same boat to help me deal with things better. Blush

  • Hi I agree the waiting is so hard, it’s all I think about. 
    I had my WLE and SLNB 2 weeks ago today after waiting 7 weeks from diagnosis and am now suffering the awful wait for pathology results. 
    My advice is to rest when you can even 10 minutes shut eye can help as I find it really hard to switch off my brain. 
    This forum is fantastic as there are people in the same situation and you realize you are not alone. 
    Good luck with everything and pop in here whenever you get a chance x

  • Hi Fleur power….I’m guessing like most of us here you never imagined that you would be here!….but it’s good you have reached out and hopefully others will pop by to other their advice….if you scroll through most posts you will find waiting is one of the toughest things to do…..my ‘journey’ started in July this year..see bio….and in between scans, ops and appointments is the big wait…it’s horrible and I don’t cope well with it either…my current wait is oncology on the 8th December and my mind goes into overdrive with anxiety at times…but I’ve recently got support from Macmillan by way of some counselling which is helping, I do lots of walking and try to make this as mindful as I can, I listen to audio books to switch my brain to another channel and I don’t google anything cancer related as this definitely doesn’t help….and I try and connect with people on here as it does help….take care and keep in touch x

  • Hi Fleur power

    the waiting is so hard and feels like time has never moved so slowly. Sadly nothing changes that. Try and do things that you enjoy or even what you can focus on to alleviate the spiralling thoughts. I had the biopsy in November 2020 and result on 4 Dec then wanted for the MDT so first surgery on 22 Dec and then WLE and SNB on 12 Jan 2021, first scan beginning of feb so all results about mid feb. It was a long old wait. I ended up watching a lot of mindless tv because I couldn’t focus on anything , couldn’t read because I couldn’t focus and keep track of the story, tv was easier. Sleep has been an issue for me ever since diagnosis so naps even for 10 min as Calsmam says are crucial and helpful to keep going. Reach out to friends if you feel up to it, talk about it or don’t talk about it you choose but you can be with people special to you. Take care of you x

  • Hi Calsmam

    Thank you for your msg. I really hope you get your results soon, and they all come back clear. 

    I believe i was told it woupd take 2 weeks to get results.

    I have to see the consultant who is a professer on Minday to discuss further and then hope he gets me seen asap. 

    I wish you all the best. Take care and chat again soon. X

  • Hi Ivysmum

    Thank you kindly for your reply.

    My husband tells me not to google and to not to think so deep, but this is why i decided to come on here as i feel people dont understand if they not going through.

    I appreciate what you have said, and i really hope all go well for you. 

    Like you say never ever thought i would be discussing this but its good to speak to others who understand.

    Take care x

  • Hi Jazz5

    Thank you for your reply and sharing your experience with me.

    Im trying to keep busy, and trying to keep working but tough some days. Im seeing the consultant or professer on monday to discuss the next stage and just hope not too long to wait for the ops. 

    Do you have the all clear now, or do you still have to have follow ups? 

    I feel i am going to have to change alot of things as i love my hols abroad but think i will have to be so careful. 

    Please take care, and hope chat soon. X

  • Hi Fleur Power

    no I was diagnosed 3c as it was in a lymph node under my arm. I am having immunotherapy every 6 weeks for 1 year, so 9 treatments in total and I have 2 left now so done by the end of January.

    I have ct scans we very 3 months, lymph node ultrasounds every 4 months and skin checks every 3 months. And this will continue after the treatment stops.

    I hope you have a really productive appt on Monday and get a hold of your next steps and surgery booked in. It is such a worrying time and the waiting seems endless. I can’t believe it’s almost a year since I was diagnosed on 4 December 2020 my 27th wedding anniversary but this year has flown by. I hope you find that too once the ball starts rolling then things move quickly and so does time.

    wishing you all the very best and let us know how you get on x

  • Hi. Thank you so much, I wish you all the very best of luck with everything Grinning