
  • 4 replies
  • 74 subscribers


Just wanted to say hi, I’ve recently been diagnosed with 0.7mm stage 1 melanoma following a biopsy. I’m awaiting surgery to have more of the area removed to check it has all been removed. 

I know it’s been caught early but how do you stop your mind automatically thinking the the worst? Like every headache/belly ache etc I’m convinced it’s because I have it somewhere else. Does this ease once you have got used to the diagnoses? Or do you always think like this? 

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community although I'm sorry you've had to join us.

    I doubt that there's anyone in this group who hasn't felt the same as you after being diagnosed with melanoma.

    I think catastrophizing (jumping to the worst possible conclusion) is a normal human reaction but certainly in my case over time I no longer do this and recognise a headache for just what it is instead of assuming that it must mean that I have brain mets. It will probably take you a while to get there but I'm sure you will.

    The surgery you're waiting for is called a wide local excision (WLE) and is the normal follow up surgery after melanoma is diagnosed. I've had this so I'm happy to chat through what you should expect if you want me to.

    Take care


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thank you so much for your quick reply  :) and your reassurance. Im glad with time it gets easier to not jump to the worst case scenario. 

    When you had the wle did you have to rest for a long time? I’m a keen runner and wondering how long I will be out of action for. If it makes a difference the melanoma is on my ankle. 

    i hope you are well and thank you for taking the time to reply. 

  • I was advised to take things easy for the first week and then gradually start returning to my normal activities the second week. However, I'd had a sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) at the same time so that would probably have made a difference to my expected recovery time. 

    My WLE was on my arm and was uncomfortable for a few days after the operation and then sore rather than painful for probably another week or so. Your SCNS (skin cancer nurse specialist) should probably be able to advise you how long you might need to avoid running after the op. 

    Thanks for asking after me and I'm very well thanks. My melanoma diagnosis was nearly 5 years ago now and you can read all about it if you want to by clicking on my username. I'm currently on 6 monthly check-ups with my dermatologist and have the next one a week today. 


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Good luck with your next checkup and thank you for all your help, it really has helped me so much.