Mole biopsy results

  • 2 replies
  • 73 subscribers

Hi. So I had an excision biopsy on a mole on my leg almost 6 weeks ago and yesterday I received a phone call from the hospital asking me to attend an appointment on Friday. To say I’m dreading it is an understatement. when I had the biopsy the consultant told  me he thought it was skin cancer and that the mole needed to be removed ASAP. He said I’d receive a letter with the results in 2-3 weeks but after 6 weeks I get the call to come in. He told me at the time that if it was serious then I’d be referred. So I’ve pretty  much resigned myself to bad news Disappointed

  • Hi Kaussie, I am sorry to hear you are in this waiting period and expecting bad news. It so strange time isn’t it when on holiday it goes so quickly and when waiting for appointments it goes so slowly, or is that me ! 

    You know if you want to keep positive, there are some who have had good news after a 6 week wait, and drs don’t know if it’s serious until the biopsy results come in as some conditions look like melanoma but aren’t. 

    Similarly Ive prepared myself for an expected bad news and it sometimes helps to just move on with ok so what happpens next to beat this thing.

    so I hope you wait is not to long til Friday and that you are ready for what ever is said to you, and have any questions ready for getting ready for the next step what ever that may be for you. 

    Im 6 years in from my first diagnosis with a few uncertainties and waits along the way so I’m wishing you lots of luck.

    Take care KT

  • Hi. Thank you so much for replying back to me. It’s so difficult isn’t it. I’ve just read your info profile and you’ve certainly been through it. I wish you the very best of luck.  It’s a disease not many fully know about. My dad was diagnosed with stage 2 many years ago and is doing well.  I am trying to remain positive but usually when you’re called back it’s not good news. My consultant told me that I’d get results by letter and called in if I needed to be referred. I’ve been preparing myself for bad news since I got the call but I think I’ll still go to pieces if it’s news I don’t want to hear. Sorry to waffle on.