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I was diagnosed with superficial spreading melanoma stage 2a thickness 1.15mm this week and safe to say it's been a rollercoaster. I'm already struggling to cope with everything. 

I have young kids and I'm just so scared. 

I had mole removed end of Sept, results last week, saw plastic surgeon last week and waiting for dates for wle and slnb which I was told would be within 28 days. 

Is this quick enough? I just want it out of me. 

My partner is lacking in support at thr moment and just keep saying everything will be fine. Looking for some friends and support. 

  • Hi K8 1980s….just checking in with you…it can feel a little lonely when you first post and waiting for someone to reach out….I’m sure that there will be others who will drop in and give the benefit of their experience…I think I felt that my world had dropped from under me when I received my diagnosis of a T3 following the local excision in July…now classified as a 3A following WLE/SNLB……I too was given a 28 day window to have the next stage like you….I think you will find most of us here find the waiting between appointments very very hard to cope with….it’s understandable….but you are amongst others who understand this, who can offer advice and support or just a friendly ear….I’m currently in my next stage of waiting so im having to put a lot into my days to stop the constant ruminating…..some of the best advice I have been given is not to look at Dr Google as a lot of stuff is out of date, check out info on here and contact your team if you have any doubts about your treatment…they are there for you…please take care x

  • Hi K8 1980s,

    I had a 1.1 mm mole removed&diagnosed beginning of August, followed by a WLE and SLNB mid Sept, you can see timeline in my profile. 

    I totally understand how you feel, wanna say hang in there and keep posting when need bit of support. We have all been there. 

    I was freaking out during the wait until I had a date for the op. I reached the dermatology to ask for the name of the surgeon that was gonna operate on me, so I could book a private appointment, to get there faster. Nurse assured me that it won't be faster if I go private, nonetheless I wasn't convinced. She asked me if I'd like to speak to a consultant and next day Head consultant of dermatology department ( yes, I was shocked to be taken that serious ) called and explained that I am very low risk due to the size of the mole and it not being ulcerated, no lymphatic involvement, all things mentioned in the histopathology report. He said to me, "In my career, I have seen only handful of cases out of thousands that turned out to be SLNB positive, that had same size mole as yours. You are very low risk even if you have to wait for 3 months it is very unlikely that it will change anything. If you were high risk, we would call you for surgery straight away. " It was a great assurance to hear all this and put my mind at ease during the wait, hope it helps to read this as your situation seem similar. 

  • The waiting is so tough and it was utter metal torture for me. Stay off google is the advice I would give ( trying to follow this advice myself as it’s sends you into a head spin). 
    It’s so tough when people just say oh you will be fine …. When in your head things can’t get any worse x good luck with your WLE and your SLNB x 

  • Thank you for taking the time to reply. I hope you are not waiting too long and yes I agree its hard to stay away from dr google. Trying to keep busy with work and my kids 

  • Thank you so much for the positivity.  Just what I needed to hear.  Our situations seem very similar and I hope you are doing OK. The waiting is awful though and I also asked about going private. Got told the same thing that it wouldn't be any quicker. 

  • Thank you, Dr google is definitely my weakness at the moment! Trying to stay away though! 

  • I am fine now thanks, as they expected WLE and SLNB turned out to be neg.

    I actually booked private consultation just as back up but NHS op date turned out to be before my private appointment. It's expected, as consultants do only one day private appointments and 4 days at NHS. 

    My husband has been very supportive and told me I'll be OK too. Sometimes it's good to hear that, but sometimes I needed to talk about how scared and worried I am. But it is not easy to see your other half that vulnerable and not being able to help. He got there at the end now we talk about it more openly. I have also started therapy and helped me a lot to process my feelings. Maybe give it a try if you are open to it, macmillan does free 6 sessions and usually dermatology can refer you for therapy. 

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community although I'm sorry you've had to find us.

    I had a very similar diagnosis to you (click on my username if you want to read my details) five years ago and I totally understand the worry about the wait between having the excisional biopsy and the follow-up WLE and SLNB. I would say that 28 days is about the current average wait for these procedures. Some people get them quicker and others longer, mine was in fact about 10 weeks between diagnosis and WLE/SLNB.

    When I spoke to my SCNS (skin cancer nurse specialist) after I'd been diagnosed and I was concerned about the wait she explained that as the melanoma is removed at the biopsy stage the WLE is effectively a mopping up exercise to make sure that there are no stray cells left in the surrounding skin. So when you say "I just want it out of me" it is already out.

    I'm hoping that you've been told that the SLNB is not treatment but a biopsy to see if there has been any spread to your nearest lymph node. I've had both the WLE and SLNB so I'm happy to tell you about the ins out outs of the operations if there's anything that you want to know.

    It would be great if you could pop something about your journey into your profile as it really helps others when answering or looking for someone with a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.


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  • Hello,

    I was diagnosed at the start of August following a mole removal in July. The wait between diagnosis day and operation day was 2 months for me…. I found it very tough going. 

    I’m now 4 weeks exactly since my WLE and SLNB. I’m still not back at work due to the WLE crossing the crook of my elbow and not being able to straighten my arm… above also picked up an infection in the wound unfortunately. Results day is also two more weeks away.

    I think waiting is really tough. I totally agree with everyone here…. Stay off google. I’ve also found it invaluable to find a friend I can be totally honest with …. Most people just tel you to be positive, don’t think anout the what ifs but it’s ok to share the what ifs with someone just know that the what ifs are very rare at such an early stage.

    I’ve found a few Facebook groups to where people are really positive and supported which has been a great help.

  • Mole on my arm was excised beginning of July breslow score 1.8mm mitotic rate 2 non ulcerated , had WLE and SLNB 20th october and nervously awaiting the results , every day I worry they have dislodged something and the cancer is running free, I have what looks like a huge 11cm shark bite in my arm and am still asking why me ? It’s so difficult to discuss with my husband , due to covid he has been left out of all appointments and cannot ask questions, he doesn’t want me to worry so he says little , I want to talk ‘what ifs ‘ but it’s difficult because you can’t answer anything until you have your results . This just is not easy and I understand everyone’s worries , fingers crossed for a good out come , 
