Melanoma 3a

  • 10 replies
  • 78 subscribers

Hello, I am new here. My hubster was initially diagnosed with Melanoma 1b back in May. Had a WLE and sentinel lymph node dissection in August. He is now staged at 3A and starting either immunotherapy or targeted therapy in nxt week or two. 

Just looking for advice/stories of others in the same position,  side effects (Nivolumab) and any pointers to help.

Thank you so much x 

  • Hi Zamm…I’m probably not the most experienced person on here but didn’t want to leave you hanging on without a reply…it feels a bit lonely out there sometimes although I think if you look around in the search bit and also look at some profiles you will find a lot of good info….I’m a newly diagnosed 3A following a WLE & SLNB from a mole in July….all a huge shock of course….I am just being referred onto Oncology for discussion about my next stage of treatment so I’m looking for similar info….although there are a couple of people on here who are just into their treatments and have had very positive responses…until someone a bit more experienced comes back to you take a look around on a few of the threads and you will probably find what you need…take care

  • Thank you for your reply, I have as suggested searched and found some useful information. 

    Thank you again x 

  • I am also 3a after traces were found in two tiny lymph nodes from my ear area. I am on pembro and so far so good ( only had 2 doses).I  Hope he gets on well xx 

  • Hi Zamm, I'm 3c spreading superficial melanoma and an at the same stage as Ammcl having just had my third treatment with Pembro. No side effects as yet and with two more doses (3 weeks apart) followed by more scans I hope to go to double dose every 6 weeks. 

    First time in the chemo unit(that's just where I have mine) I was extremely nervous but staff were so lovely, supportive and caring I haven't been concerned about it since. I have however never had so many needles put in me in my life on a regular basis!  For me I've found that I can't sit around worrying between scans so I'm keeping busy doing my normal everyday things.

    Everyone is different. Advice- keep hydrated before treatment (helps veins to be plump and more easily accessible), take a book, a snack and water. They'll feed you lunch if you're there at lunchtime and offer drinks regularly.  The drugs aren't even ordered until you're there so it can take up to at least three hrs even if the protocol is the same as Pembro which is half hr fluid, half hr Pembro and half hr fluid.  Bloods will need to be done a few days before treatment everytime, I have mine done at my local health centre.  You can't speed up results so it becomes a waiting game I guess between scans. Hope treatment goes well for him.  There is of course a carers group on here which may be beneficial to you x

  • Hi

    I've just seen the lovely reply you've had from Alottment lover which included a mention of the carers group. If you're interested in joining that group just click on the link I've created and then join and post in the same way as you did here. It's a safe and supportive place to share your worries and emotions with others who are looking after a loved one with cancer.


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  • Thank you, I've joined that group too. Such a good source of help and support and inspirational stories.. My mind is still in overdrive at the moment. Treatment has been confirmed Nivolumab as BRAF negative, just waiting for a date to start. One step at a time xx

  • The members in the carers only group are a lovely group of people who are only too willing to try and offer support.

    I think the attitude of taking everything one step at a time is the perfect one to adopt . Although not in the same position as your husband I found that trying to just concentrate on what was happening now and trying not to worry about something that might not even happen in the future certainly helped me.

    Do come back and let us know how he gets on


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi there I'm also stage 3a melanoma patient. Initially Diagnosed 2a July, wle & lymph biopsy Aug, diagnosis changed to 3a Sept, started pembrolizumab last week. 9 treatments in total over a year.  Scan due end Jan. All the best with your immunotherapy. 

  • Thank you ... wishing you all the best too x 

  • Hi Sarahlou43

    That must have been a shock having your staging changed. I found the wait for the staging quite a stressful and worrying part. I was diagnosed 3c.

    I was also prescribed Pembro and have just had my 7th treatment so only 2 to go.

    I find the 3 and 4 monthly scans and ultrasounds respectively really reassuring as they have been clear so far but also a stark reminder of what’s happened. Grateful for them though.

    Wishing you all the best for your treatment.