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  • 75 subscribers

Hi, I was diagnosed with melanoma end of August, I had first surgery to remove a mole beginning of September , had my results on Friday, Melanoma in situ which.i caught early, having wide excision next Friday 

I feel relieved that I caught it early but still feel a little anxious, I have only.told 5 people because I feel to use the word cancer is making me feel like a fake  Confused 

I have seen and lost close friends and family to cancer and most people have said its out now get on with it and can you check my skin, but not much emotional support 


  • Hello Gibbonmum,

    so sorry you’ve had to find us here.

    I totally understand how it can feel ‘fake’ to use the word cancer for melanoma and I certain have had that feeling but it’s just not true. I had a mole removed in July and found out 3 weeks later it was melanoma. I’m now waiting for my wider skin removal and sentinel node operation in 10 days.

    I told only my husband, sons and 1 friend for the first few weeks. There is no right or wrong timing of telling people, or any rule that says you have to.

    Your treatment seems to be moving along very quickly which is great. People can have very little understanding of melanoma, I had none before July. Remember, you’re not a fake and need plenty of support. There are many people on here to help you every step of the way. 

  • Hi Gibbonmum, 

    Sorry about your diagnosis. 

    I totally understand. I said to my friend who had Hodgkins lymphoma twice "I don't know if I can call it cancer seeing what you've been through" and she told me not to be silly, it's not a competition :) I've also found it difficult to call it cancer and used "malignant cells" for a while, I think it sounded less serious that way. 

    Like you, I haven't told many people before my WLE and SLNB, just recently I've started to open up about it. Sometimes people try to help by saying it's OK you be fine it's over, but it feels like they are undermining my feelings, so I tell them straight away, yes I know it's out and I'll be fine but I need to talk about my fears etc.


  • Thank You for your messages, yes I have been saying affected tissue, I have to see a genealogist as.i have pancreatic cancer in my family and this is linked to melanoma as I don't have any other moles except the naughty one, it is.very nice to speak with  others,  

  • Good luck Spanielmumma, 

    Let us know how it goes. 


  • Hi Gibbonmum welcome to the group, everyone’s anxiety is valid no matter what the stage but one thing not mentioned is that your diagnosis was melanoma in situ which is a pre cancerous condition. So I’m hoping that in time you will embrace that you have been very lucky and been offered a chance to now be vigilant and careful and hopefully remain in a no cancer place.

    I’m wishing you luck for your genealogist appointment it will be interesting to hear about that, so I hope you let us know how you get on,I can’t remember reading about anyone on here that has been to one. You must still feel in a scary place with that ahead of you and possibly all the thoughts of a worse diagnosis. Someone with a worse diagnosis goes through everyone’s head though, in a way it’s useful to do a quick check isn’t it, I’m ok right now, and gosh things could have been so much worse, and sometimes a bit of survivors guilt can creep in. I hope you can embrace both the lucky you and the person who’s had a few shocking weeks.

    Take care KT