(If and) What symptoms did you experience?

  • 3 replies
  • 74 subscribers

Hi members, 

I am hoping to share my experience and better understand what is common in this scary situation:  

Did/have you experienced any symptoms with skin cancer?
Such as, itching & bleeding on moles/lesions. Any skin changes? My entire skin changed, it became more dry? 

I attended the hospital on 10th July, after being fast tracked by my GP.   I was diagnosed with BCC on my shoulder, and melanoma on my breast  (there and then) followed by surgery on the same day.  My body then started to “act up… my ankle started to blister and turned to cellulitis/ extremely swollen.  I then took an allergic reaction to penicillin (which has never happened to me before).
My rational mind tells me it’s normal for our bodies to react when experiencing shock/trauma.  But it would be nice to hear others experiences. 

I didn’t ask my dermatologist or surgeon many questions. I signed a lot of paperwork and said, do what is require for now.  The nurse did try to comfort me. But I went into fight or flight mode. Talking was not going to calm my nerves. I was in shock and didn’t want to know anymore, at that time. 

I haven’t really spoke to anyone.  I’ve found, people cant deal with it? I’ve had life long friends completely cut me out. Like it was my fault, or making me feel like I was over reacting.  So I just stopped talk to them. 

I go back on the 21st August  - so fingers crossed Fingers crossed tone1 (I am very optimistic it’s all been removed). 

Sending love and well wishes Heart️ to each & everyone. 

  • Hi , welcome to the melanoma group, (if welcome is the right word). I’ve been in this group for a while as my diagnosis was 6 years ago, my primary melanoma was not found I was diagnosed when large lumps came up in my abdomen, NHS app pointed to a hernia, scan and biopsy said metastatic melanoma. My only skin change has been when I started on Dabrafenib tablets to shrink the melanoma it also removed every freckle I had. Friends can be a mixed bag I’ve found as well, it’s so much easier to talk about things with someone who has experience of cancer, any cancer who can understand the pressures of uncertainty and waiting that goes on, those that don’t tell you how you should be reacting to life’s lemons, and know that every reaction is normal. 

    Fingers crossed for you 

    Take care KT

  • Hi and another welcome to the online community

    I was diagnosed with malignant melanoma in December 2015 but I didn't have any changes to my skin either before or after. 

    I'm not quite sure from your post whether you've had the results from the excision biopsies yet or not?


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  • I had a mole which started to get very itchy. 

    I didn't think much of it. It eventually started to scab over and bleed. I then noticed area around the mole started going slightly darker.

    That was the final push I needed to get it checked and then I got diagnosed shortly after.