Hello! I'm new here too

  • 7 replies
  • 76 subscribers

Hello everyone, 

I thought I'd say hi. I had 'the' telephone call from the hospital last Wednesday so I am totally new to this.

I visited my GP about 5 weeks ago with a funny looking mole. At first she was not too concerned and sent me away saying to monitor the mole and come back if anything changes. BY the time I was explaining this to my husband in the car, she had called to say she had changed her mind. I will never be so thankful to anyone for changing their mind. I went to see the dermatology Dr at out local hospital who took 20 seconds before deciding it needed removal for examination, this as done on 20th July. I have to admit I thought little about it over the next 10 days as I was on holiday.....but on Wednesday 4th the phone call from the wonderful MacMillan nurse confirmed a malignant melanoma. 

I'm now waiting for my referral letter for a second op and sentinel lymph check. 

Finding you all on here is amazing - thank you!

  • Hello , thought I’d just pop along to say Hi. My primary melanoma was never found so I haven’t been through the  wide local excisions (WLE) or sentinel lymph node biopsies(SLNB) if you are offered it (that depends on the size of the melanoma. I’ve stollen ’s links for both in case you might find them useful. I am sure she will be along later to say hi with others (she has had both so can give any experience you might want).

    I think I missed or you didn’t say whereabouts your melanoma was. They think mine might have been on my leg as it was my pelvic and abdominal lymph nodes that were affected for me when I was diagnosed and 6 years on I’m actually feeling better than I was then. I am so glad yours was found and dealt with.

    Take care KT

  • Thank you so much for your reply and the helpful links.

    My melanoma is on my forearm, a couple of inches below my elbow. Just waiting for the next appointment now....

  • Hi Spanielmumma,

    I had a wide local excision and sentinel lymph node biopsy a few months ago. Due to COVID, it was all done on the same day and all under a local.  (I think pre-COVID the sentinel lymph node biopsy was done under a general and involved an overnight stay). Sounds like things are moving pretty quickly for you and not too much waiting around so far.  Hopefully you'll get your appointment through soon. 

  • Thank you, I hope you go from strength to strength.

    I’m not great at waiting.... for most things... this will definitely be a time to learn some patience 

  • Hi

    I'm sorry to read that you've been diagnosed with melanoma on your lower forearm. Mine was on my upper forearm and I had both the WLE and SLNB that KTatHome has mentioned. 

    My operations were 4 years ago now and I'm happy to share my experiences with you if there's anything that you want to know. The operations were done at the same time under a general anaesthetic and didn't require an overnight stay in hospital.

    Let us know when you have a date


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  • Hello!

    thank you so much for your reply. I’ve had a read of your profile, thank you for adding so much. It’s such a help for us newbies to know what happens.

    I’m still waiting for my letter to go and see the Dr following my diagnosis phone call last Wednesday.... I’m not good with the waiting.

    keep safe

  • Hi x 

    The waiting  is what I have struggled with all along too x my story is there if you want to read it x I had my wide excision and SLNB done and had one nights stay in hospital x home and recovered well ( took me maybe 2 weeks to feel fully  Better) my ear area where they took the lymph nodes was the area that gave me the most problems x