I'm freaking out

  • 6 replies
  • 75 subscribers

Hi. I have had a mole that has changed on my thigh 1cm by 1cm over the last 5 or 6 weeks and have been looking at it.its got three slightly raised round marks all in a line. Mostly darkish brown pinky Should have gone to gp sooner. I finally sent him photos today (email and phone) he's looked at them and said its highly probable it's melanoma. He has referred me to the hospital and said I may hear in a few days or up to 2 weeks.  I am not getting any pain/bleeding/itching and it has only very slightly changed over the last 6 weeks. But I'm so scared. I have hardly eaten the last week my stomach is in knots. The thought and sight of food makes me nauseous. I have always been a worrier and an anxious person and I am screaming inside. The only other thing I have noticed the last 2 weeks on and off is I get sore to the touch sometimes at the back of my thigh the mole is on the front thigh.. I can't feel anything there. It was so sore one day removing trousers down the skin hurt. It felt like when you have a burn. But that only lasted the 24 hours. I was very stressed out at work the day before the proverbial had hit the fan with something and I was upset by it. Not sure if that didn't help. Just reaching out to say help! Thanks

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community

    Please don't berate yourself for not going to the GP sooner. You say that your mole has only changed over the last 5 or 6 weeks so I'd say that you've seen the GP quickly.

    Your GP has done the right thing in referring you because he thinks the mole is suspicious but, just because he has, doesn't mean it's melanoma. I had an excision biopsy on a suspicious mole 3 weeks ago and the results came back today to say it was fine. 

    When you get your appointment with the dermatology consultant they will examine the suspicious mole with an instrument called a dermatoscope which allows them to see the mole close up. If the consultant thinks the mole needs to be biopsied, as mine did, you'll have it removed under a local anaesthetic probably a few weeks later.

    It's natural to worry that anything else you notice about your body is related but it might just be that you're more aware of your body because you've noticed the change in your mole.

    It's natural to feel anxious or scared about what is going to happen but if you're feeling sick and not eating then you might need to speak to your GP so that they can suggest ways for you to cope. You might also like to have a look at this information from Macmillan on managing anxiety.

    Over the years since I was first diagnosed I've found that the best ways of stopping my mind from wandering to the 'what ifs' when waiting for treatment or results is to indulge myself in my hobbies and interests. Lots of people find mindfulness really helpful and, if this is something that interests you, clicking here will take you to the NHS page for mindfulness apps which you can download.

    Let us know when you have the date for your appointment and, in the meantime, if there's anything you want to ask feel free. 

    Sending a virtual ((hug))

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi. Oh thank you for that lovely reply. Very much appreciated. I've just forced down the meat from a McDonald's burger! I will have a look at the anxiety page thanks. I always overthink everything so this has gone nuclear!

    So glad yours was OK keep well and big virtual hug to you too x

  • Good to hear you've eaten something Slight smile

    We're probably all guilty of catastrophising but try to just deal with things one step at a time. For example, the first thing that's going to happen is seeing the dermatologist. So you could make a list of questions you want to ask depending on what they say ie, if you're told that they want to do an excisional biopsy you could ask 'how long is it likely to be before the procedure', 'which hospital will it happen at', etc.

    Try not to waste energy worrying about the next step when you might not even need a biopsy.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • I know I must try and calm down. I'm looking at my leg if I wake up in the night. Looking at it all the time trying to see if it looks different. Yes I will definitely make a list to ask. And I must stop googling x

  • So pleased to hear that your biopsy result was fine. Very heart-warming news indeed. 

    Take care


  • Thanks very much

    I'm sure you can imagine what a relief it was!


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"