Suspected amelanotic melanoma biopsy wait time

  • 7 replies
  • 74 subscribers

On 24th June I had two excisions for possible amelanotic melanoma. I just wondered if anyone can give me an idea if wait times you've experienced for biopsy results as hospital were very vague. I previously had a basal cell which took weeks to get confirmed but obviously it's not as serious as potential melanoma. I'mbin the North East of UK.

Thank you Blush

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community

    I was diagnosed with an amelanotic melanoma nearly 5 years ago now and I understand they're pretty rare. I've also just two weeks ago had a biopsy done on another mole that my consultant wanted removing.

    When the most recent mole was removed I was told to contact the consultant's secretary if I hadn't heard anything after 6 weeks but they hope to have the results back before then. 

    When I had the amelanotic mole removed, not that I knew that was what it was at the time, the results took 6 weeks to come back and had taken that long because the pathology laboratories were particularly busy at that time of the year.

    I hope that helps.


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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Thank you so much for your reply, the waiting is the worst, but I guess at 2 weeks I'm being impatient! My GP said they're rare, at my 2ww appointment the Consultant said he wanted them removing that same day which I never expected..... Fingers crossed your recent mole is nothing too serious. I'm glad I've come across this forum Blush

  • Well looks like we'll be waiting together


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember

    I had a small lump removed from my upper arm on 2nd June this year which turned out to be melanoma. 
    I received my results in person on 22nd June. The wait was awful but I was expecting them to say it was a Basal Cell so I got quite the shock.
    Am now waiting for an appointment for the wide local excision and node biopsy and this feels even worse. I really don't do well with this whole waiting thing.
    I hope you get your results soon and that they're good news! x

  • How are you? How are you managing the waiting game ? X 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Amccl

    Hey am not doing so great with the waiting at all. Guess I just thought I'd have had an appointment date through by now. My husband tried calling yesterday (both to the hospital I'm being referred to and the one that's referring) but was just passed around with everyone saying they don't know anything about it. it's all I can think about. 
    How are you feeling? How was your wee trip away? xx

  • had hoped you would have had a letter by now the waiting is so tough. I am ok lovely 2 days  away and just home. Had hoped for a ct scan letter to be waiting for me but nope … nothing yet x wishing the ct scan here and that it’s shows up nothing else x