Hi - I'm newly diagnosed with melanoma

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  • 73 subscribers

 -I'm scared like everyone with cancer.  Still have more tests and full body scan to come - can only keep positive!

  • Giving you a virtual hug x 

  • Hello and

    I can see that you are both waiting for tests or results, I’m somehow smiling at the timing of me reading this as I’m listening to a recorded George Ezra concert. He’s currently singing 

    “my my what a terrible time to be alive if your prone to over thinking it,  my my what a terrible time to be alive if your prone to second guessing it”

    I have no idea what the lyrics were before that, as my mind just zoomed into that bit.

    It always amazes me how the waiting often seems worse than anything else. I hope your wait and results go well for you.

    Take care KT

  • How accurate are those lyrics! I am a worrier at the best of times but now actually having something to worry about is such tough going for me. This Monday I am at the hospital and it’s Been a long 3 and a bit weeks already. So hoping for the best and trying to have a positive outlook x