Recently diagnoised

  • 15 replies
  • 76 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

I was diagnosed with stage 2 malignant melanoma on the 5th of May, after having a wide incision. I am having another wide incision, a skin graft and a sentinel lymph biopsy on the 14th of July. I am wondering what will happen afterwards? Treatment wise?

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community

    I'm sorry to read that you've recently been diagnosed with melanoma. 

    The wide local excision (WLE) is the only treatment that you'll need if the results from that and the sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) show no further evidence of melanoma. The WLE is essentially a mopping up exercise to make sure that no stray cancer cells were left behind when the excision biopsy was done. Clicking on these links will give you more detailed information.

    Assuming that the results of the WLE and SLNB are negative then you'll be followed up with three monthly skin check-ups for 3 years and six monthly skin check-ups for two years before being discharged.

    I've had both the WLE and SLNB and I'm happy to answer any questions you might have about those procedures.


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  • Hope you are well x I had my wide excision and sentinel lymph node biopsy three weeks ago today ( no skin graft ). I am now waiting for my appointment to come around ( next Monday) where the surgeon will discuss the findings. The waiting has been so tough and I am praying my results are clear and no treatment will be required. I have had my letter from dermatology and start my three monthly check ups in 2 weeks time. 

    • Fingers crossed your results come through negative. I am absolutely dreading my surgery, im not sleeping and iv developed an itchy rash on my wrists and hands, nerves I presume. I am also worried about afterwards, im having surgery on my ankle, a skin graft from my thigh an the sentinel biopsy from my groin, I think im goin to have a very sore leg and look like a patchwork quilt! X
  • I was the same had myself worried sick about the surgery and actually was quite naive about the size of the scar I have been left with that runs from my eyelid to My forehead. 
    sleeping …. I downloaded some sleep apps on my phone and used lavender spray on my pillow each night ( no idea if these actually work but in my head they did ). 

  • Awww wow that doesn't sound nice at all, frim your eye to ur forehead. I'm lucky mine is on my ankle, im planning a water colour tattoo to cover it up lol im trying to keep busy, been decorating, so it keeps me occupied and tires me out. I'm planning trips for next year, to keep me looking forward x

  • Keeping busy is defo key x I now have a chunky fringe cut in so helps hide the scar Rofl

  • That's a great idea having a fringe! I have 1 to cover my wrinkles lol. I'm still decorating until I run out of paint.iv had a chat with 1 of my nurses and I'm guna ask for something to help me sleep the week before my op. Otherwise il be exhausted x

  • Good luck and I hope you get some sleep and rest. Worrying and lack of sleep is sole destroying x 

  • Thank you, I have been sleeping abit  better. How r u feeling about ur results on Monday? I hope everything goes OK and il av everything crossed 4 u x

  • Thank you very much. Monday … I am dreading going if am totally honest. So scared of getting “ it’s in the lymph nodes” chat…. Praying for a positive outcome x