Newly Diagnosed so saying hello

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  • 73 subscribers

I found out last Tuesday the I have melanoma following the excision of a suspect little lump on my upper right arm 3 weeks ago. 

Was a bit blindsided as two GPS thought is nothing and the dermatology consultant and surgeon both thought it was a BCC.

I was to be discussed at their team meeting on Friday but was told I'm being referred to another further away hospital to plastic surgery for a wide local excision, lymph node biopsy (if I opt in) and they were still to decide if I'd get a full body CT scan. 

I wasn't told a stage (and I didn't know to ask) but was told I'd have skin checks for the next 5 years.

I really hate this limbo time waiting for a appointment and worrying that's its spread. Reading all your stories and feeling therefore less alone with my situation is really helping though. 

My full story is on my bio for anyone who'd like to read it. Blush

  • Hi x I had my wide excision Nearly three weeks ago , I also had a sentinel node biospy. I am awaiting the results of this still another week until my appointment. Like you I hate the being  in limbo and worrying that it’s spreading. I was also told I would have check ups for the next 5 years. The stage then told me was stage 2a ( mines was a 2.5mm melanoma on my eyebrow ). 

  • Also like you mines was a little Lump too that the doctor and dermatologist wasn’t that worried about so it has knocked  me for 6 hearing the word melanoma x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Amccl


    Thanks for responding. It helps to see a photo of yours and it look quite like mine as they told me even after my results that it didn't look like a typical melanoma.

    I hope you're healing up well after your surgery and not stressing too much while waiting for your results? I'm stressed enough just waiting to hear about an appointment for my WLE. Its frustrating as it's the school summer holidays but feel I can't book any day trips etc till I find out what's happening. 

    I called and spoke to my consultant again his morning as it was bothering me that I wasn't told my stage. She said my tumour was 1.7mm thick but because my lymph nodes didn't feel swollen it's puts me at stage 1B. 

    Please let me know how you get on at your next appointment. Will keep everything crossed for you.

    Mack x

  • I feel exactly the same with the school holidays I can’t focus on anything apart from next Monday for my appointment. The waiting I have found very difficult.
    I was obsessed with trying to feel lymph nodes all over my body ( actually making myself sore with all the pocking at them). The sentinel nodes they have Took away are at my ear area so the scar is well hidden by my hair. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Amccl

    Sorry to pop this up so late  but wanted to wish you luck for your appointment tomorrow (well it's just after midnight so today really). Will be thinking about you! X

  • thank you so much for thinking about me x had a rough night every scenario has gone through my mind x  

  • Never got good news! It’s in my lymph nodes …. Devastated x so to get a cat scan hopefully next week x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Amccl

    I just replied on your other thread. I'm so sad that it wasn't good news. Good that they're looking to start treatment fairly quick though. Sounds like you're in good hands *hugs*

  • Oh I cannot stop

    crying it’s been an awful day xx