Mole mapping today

  • 7 replies
  • 73 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

I have well over 100 moles, had a few removed when I was younger but thankfully they were benign. I know I have to check my skin regularly but for reasons I cannot justify I have not been doing so. Anyway, I notice a mole on my chest has progressively changed over the years (I know I could kick myself) with a very irregular border, it’s evolving and generally looks dodgy. Finally got a referral to a dermatologist and my appointment was today. He checked this mole and others on my body using a hand held device and did say he doesn’t think any need removing. That reassured me. I did have photographs of my moles taken years ago but they are no longer on my file (before digital photography days). So he arranged for me to have mole mapping today and then closer dermascopic pictures of the one on my chest and one on my back. I felt reassured having all this done today but since then I’ve been thinking…if something does show up from these pictures will I be seen before the usual 3 month check up(he said he would call me back in 3 months). Should I still be worried about these two that had extra pictures? Apologies for the lengthy post! 

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community

    I'm glad to hear that so far none of the moles you've had removed have been malignant.

    I've not had mole mapping but do see a dermatologist every 3 months for a check up after being diagnosed with malignant melanoma coming up to 5 years ago now. This last time she found a mole she thought had changed since the last time I'd seen her 15 months ago (Covid has meant no face-to-face appointments) and I've just had this removed.

    I'm sure if the mole mapping and closer pictures taken of two moles in particular showed anything suspicious then it would be suggested that these were removed as soon as possible. Have you been assigned a SCNS (skin cancer nurse specialist) as she should be able to reassure you about what will happen and how quickly?


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  • FormerMember

    Good morning  I am like you and have more moles than a farmer’s field! I have just had a melanoma removed and due to the amount of moles, I have been booked in for what I call a photo shoot to map mine. I’m not concerned with anymore of mine, but I feel it is so beneficial to date stamp them, as when I had my first benign one removed. I thought it was around 4/5 years ago, when in fact it was 9 years ago. So if moles do change, they are acted upon quicker.

    Great advice from  as always.

  • Hi

    Just popping in to ask if if you've had the results of the two moles that had dermatascopic pictures taken?


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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Hi Latchbrook, I’m so sorry I didn’t respond to your earlier message. I did read it and it was really reassuring so thank you for taking the time to do that and please excuse my rudeness. I had a letter from the hospital confirming that the dermatologist had consulted with a colleague and they were both of the opinion that there weren’t any sinister changes and nothing worrying was evident. I was so relieved and he will see me again in 3 months to take follow up photos. Part of me is actually glad I went through this because it has made me take my skin and mole checking a lot more seriously. I’m covering up in the sun now too and finding shade. It’s just really made me re-assess things. I see you had a malignant melanoma, how are you now? Were you lucky enough to catch it early? X

  • That's great news that the consultant and his colleague are happy that there are no sinister changes . I bet you were really relieved!

    Thanks for asking after me. I've never really considered whether my melanoma was caught early or not, medically speaking. I only noticed it in the July and it was removed in the October. As it was Stage 2a I guess it may have been there longer than I'd realised.

    Thankfully I haven't needed any further treatment since the WLE and SLNB and only this morning I had the results back from the suspicious mole I had removed 3 weeks ago saying that it was benign - phew!

    Look after yourself


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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Oh I bet that was a relief for you too! Really pleased you received that news as the waiting can really get to you can’t it. 
    Some of mine look very odd, I was relieved but surprised if that makes sense. I think I had kind of mentally prepared for bad news and was really nervous reading the letter. Even though I know I will now be checked and photographed regularly I am taking photos as well so I can really Keep my eye on the ball. 
    I did have a slight feeling of “what if they have missed something” but I soon talked myself out of that. 
    Do you find yourself constantly checking your skin given your history? xx

  • Yes it was a relief Slight smile

    I was advised to just check once a month otherwise if you're constantly looking you tend not to notice a change, if that makes sense.

    I took photos of the different sections of my body, eg left upper arm, right lower leg, etc and then use those to compare my skin now with how it was then. That way if any new moles appear I spot them and if any change I can see that as well.


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