Wide excision and sentinel node

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  • 74 subscribers

On Tuesday this week I had my wide excision ( above my eyebrow) I have been really taken aback with the size of the scar I am left with. Probably was a bit naive in regards to how my face would look after the surgery. This area is causing me no discomfort at all but the sentinel node area ( left ear ) , three small nodes were removed it is so sensitive and painful. I am only in day 5 of recovery so maybe I am expecting too much. Now the long wait ( nearly 4 weeks ) before I go back and see the doctor for the biopsy results. My Melanoma was classed as 2.5mm ( T3a ). Absolutely terrified to go incase the news is they have found melanoma in my lymph nodes x

  • Hi Amcci, wishing you well for your wait until the 5th of July, I’m hoping you can park your melanoma thoughts until nearer that date. I hope you have something for the pain you’re experiencing, and the number of your nurses for any help. I’m very practised at waiting for results but haven’t had the WLE or SLNB you’ve gone through.

    Take care KT

  • Hi

    I agree that waiting for results is really horrible but the only thing you can try and do is distract yourself so that you don't spend all your time worrying. I know that's easier said than done but no amount of worrying will change the result and, in the meantime, you'll probably be making yourself miserable at the best and ill at the worst. 

    I had my WLE on my arm and the scar was probably about 4 inches long. Even my dermatologist said "wow, that's a wide WLE"! I think we forget that if they're taking out a further 2cm all around the existing wound site that it's going to be large. However, time works wonders on scars and 4 years later mine is just a slightly pale line. 

    I can't remember exactly how long it took for both the WLE and SLNB wounds to feel comfortable again but I do know that at my 2 week check-up they were both feeling a lot more comfortable.

    Do come back and let us know your results and I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.


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  • Thanks so much for replying , three weeks today until I go for results and your right I need to keep myself distracted. Today was the first I have been out and it’s the people you meet they are so shocked to see your face. So 6 days after the procedures I am beginning to feel a bit better x 

  • Thank you x feeling so much better health wise ( thankfully ) and kinda back to my “‘old self” the worrying about  the results is still there…. 2 more weeks of waiting x 

  • Glad to hear that you're feeling more like your old self .

    We'll be waiting for results together as I go in to have a suspicious mole removed from my back and a BCC from my chest on Wednesday. Last time I had anything removed the results were taking about 2 weeks so I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that it's the same this time.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Sending you positive thoughts xx 

  • Thank you


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