Melonoma nightmare!

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  • 74 subscribers

Never thought I would be posting anything like this

so here goes I’m andy I’m 28 

this all started off with me getting a puppy over a year ago ( a pug)

anyway playing with my puppy one day she nibbled a mole on the back of my left ear it bled and scanned over I didn’t think anything of it!!

the mole went like a blood blister all inflamed with a giant head on it for about a week until I caught it one day and it bled non stop for hours! I managed to stop the bleeding and it eventually scanned over. After a couple of weeks the mole had gone back to normal me being me caught up in life didn’t think nothing of it like oh the dog caught it so it probably had a little infection etc 

anyway I carried on with life as usual then around may/June this year I was shaving my beard and found a tiny pea shaped lump under my ear.. me still being me I ignored it completely forgot about it (yes I’m an idiot!) anyway I didn’t notice it getting bigger 

in October I finally noticed it again the size of a marbal so I went to the doctors and got told it was a swollen glad Joy ok mr doctor back to life as normal again caught up in the world of parenting and working fly forward to October when the lump is the size of a golf ball back to the doctors then refered for scans Joyd a fine needle aspiration that came back positive for cancerous cells I was left from then until December for an actual biopsy! Anyway after nine stop scans blood tests 2 biopsy’s I’m left with a tJoynis ball size tumor on my neck a shadow of something on my spine and constant joint muscle and bone pain :( I’ve had the mole in my ear removed I’ve got a pet ct on the 5 of january as they think thJoycancer could of spread to my bone/spine && here’s the amazing part :( I have sergeant booked for the 11th january 2022 to remove the tumor in my next and all the lynthnodes close to the area BUT theJoyumor has grown through / attached it’s self to the nerves and muscles that control my face :( met with the plastic surgeon who said it is a really risky surgery and there’s a 90% chances he will havJoyto remove the muscles for my face Joy I’m not going to lie I’ve ofically got my pooping pants on just thinking about this but life goes on! I’m staying positive I thought I would share my story so far as maybe it could help somebody on here 



  • Hi and wow, what a story and journey you have had ! I too have had a very similar journey with melanoma in my lymph nodes behind my left ear and the left side of my neck and have had the full left radial dissection. The surgeon explained the risks about facial paralysis but to be brutally honest I just did not have an option. I was very lucky as only suffered minor paralysis to my face which has since returned to normal, I also suffered from a weak shoulder post surgery which has now recovered but there is no getting away from the fact that it is a massive operation and the scars will be with you for the rest of your life as will the loss of feeling due to the removal of the nerves in the surgery area. Like you my melanoma spread to my spine and also my femur, ribs etc etc but this is now under control with targeted therapy. Don’t get me wrong the next few months aren’t going to be pleasant for you but as I previously said you have no option and must keep fighting. Apologies for the direct approach but I would have appreciated someone letting me know what to expect prior to my treatment, there is just no way of sugar coating it. Hang in there, you WILL get through this and if there is anything else you want to know just drop me a line.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to AlfieBulldog

    Sounds like you’ve truly been though it buddy what a total nightmare! My main worry is in the matter of week I’ve gone from being full of energy and life to now being tired 24/7 and having constant (deep) aches and pains all through my upper and lower back across my shoulders nd neck and in my chest 

    did you experience any pains before your opp and treatment 

  • Hi like you everything happened very quickly although I didn’t suffer from the pains that you mention due to the melanoma itself. I did however go from being very active to housebound within a very short time due to the surgery. I have throughout maintained a very positive outlook and mindset and really focussed all my energy into being active again. My opinion is that you need a focus and to set yourself targets throughout and don’t be disappointed if you may happen to miss a few as your body needs time to adjust. If you click on my name you will see my bio ( which needs updating ) and you will see my journey in a little more detail. As mentioned before, if you want to know anything just ask and I will do my best if I can. There are no silly or wrong questions as I appreciate that you are probably mentally drained by the whole experience already, we are all here to help. Stay strong Muscle 

  • hi andy i can understand were u are as i was there in 2018 i had 44 nodes removed in neck dissection and the sterum muscle i think it's  called  in surgery which took nearly 10 hours they explain about potential loss of face movement to me but it never happened though the surgeon came in very early next morning maybe 6 .30 am  because he thought he had cut a nerve and wanted to see could i move my lips,you are young and will get over the surgery

    good luck with your scans and even if something does show they can do so much nowadays