A very warm welcome to the melanoma group!

  • 34 replies
  • 77 subscribers

I know that you probably never imagined you would need to be part of this group but you have come to the right place to ask questions, share experiences and get support.

You'll find a wide range of experiences with melanoma amongst the members here so please feel free to ask any questions. 

There are people here who have had wide local excisions (WLE) and sentinel lymph node biopsies (SLNB) as well as people on adjuvant therapies suck as targeted therapy and immunotherapy.

If you haven't posted yet and want to ask a question just click on '+New' or '+' (depending on the device you're using), which you'll see near the top of the page, or reply to this post. 

Another way of looking for information is to use the search bar at the top of the page to search for old threads covering what you're looking for.

The online community is here to give support so please join in with posts if you have experience of something mentioned or are in a similar position. Don't feel that just because someone has replied to a post you can't join in. The more shared experiences the better.

Sometimes you might not have any experience with what is being asked about but you might feel that that you know or appreciate what the poster is going through so a kind reply and a gentle, virtual hug is always appreciated.

This post is going to be a 'sticky' so that it will remain on the first page of the discussions list and can be easily found. As you'll have seen I've added a few links to information about melanoma but if there's anything else you'd like adding just let me know.

Completing your profile with something about your journey so far is really helpful. It means you don't have to keep repeating yourself and others know something about your cancer when trying to find people with a similar diagnosis, or before replying. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.


  • Hi Alottment lover,

    Thank you for checking in on me. My daughter is doing great. She had her WLE and SLNB and results came back all clear. Op went very well and she has been looked after really well by the NHS. I have read a lot of medical publication on her op and spread (my way of coping), but although I was obsessive I felt I had a good understanding when consultant told me things,  I.e features of her mole which he felt where positive signs it hopefully had not spread. 

    She now has 3 monthly checks & one other mole to be removed at the end of the summer. (This was at our request, consultants think it is fine).

    I will always worry for her as we don’t know why she got it (they suspect not UV damage) and my daughter has decided against genetic testing which was offered as it may identify other cancers she could be prone to in life.  That is a lot for a young girl to have to deal with, so for now we are letting her be a normal teenager.

    Hope all is well your end xx 

  • Hi how and where can I ask others for their experience of treatment for metastatic melanoma

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    To start a new post you need to click on the '+new' button, which you'll see at the top of the screen if you're using a laptop, or the '+' button if you're using a mobile phone or tablet.

    Once you've done that, give your post a subject heading, eg. 'metastatic melanoma', then type your question and  press 'post' once you've finished.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thank you for this, I have just joined so am finding my way around the site at present! I would like to join in with discussions when I have got my bearings a bit. Good wishes to everyone in the group.