Lentigo Maligna Melanoma?

  • 4 replies
  • 74 subscribers

Hi All, 

I have an unusual story so I wanted to share AND I am still waiting my path results so, maybe it could be nothing at all.

However about 7 years ago I noticed a blueish hue patch on my shoulder in between that and my neck, it seemed odd and I had a surgeon look, he didn't give me much info but said it should be fine, possibly blood under the skin ext. 

fast-forward to 2020, its been on my mind a lot lately and seemed a little darker in color. Sometimes I wonder if its in your head when you worry about stuff though and its not changing but you felt it was. My coworkers and friends noticed it as well, did agree it seemed darker and possibly SLIGHTLY larger. I went into a NP who used to work in a dermatology only office, and she took one look and told me her thoughts and wanted two punch biopsies done and what I should expect if she's correct. 

My question is, has anyone been diagnoses with LMM and it was not the traditional photos you find online? Mine is more like I said Blue/gray in color, slightly darker towards one edge, nothing that screams WHAT IS THAT but once you notice you say, thats not normal..... I did have some slight swelling in the region as well and some lymph nodes in the clavicle region are swollen. 

She did mention this is slow growing and can be had for many years, and usually prognosis is good. I guess I just have had a hard time thinking  she could be right since it does not resemble a lot of other photos. 

  • Hi  and welcome to the melanoma group

    As your dermatologist has said lentigo maligna melanoma is usually slow growing and has an excellent prognosis as it is very rare for them to come back because they are ‘in situ’. This means that they will not usually spread elsewhere in the body.

    Photos of LMM that you might have found online don't necessarily mean that these are the only ways for LMM to look. I was diagnosed with an amelanotic melanoma which also doesn't look like your typical dodgy mole. Equally lesions can look like some form of skin cancer and then turn out not to be once they are biopsied.

    While you're waiting to see if anyone comes forward with experiences of LMM if you type 'lentigo maligna melanoma' into the search bar at the top of the screen you'll find previous posts on this topic. You could have a look through those and respond to any of the more recent ones if you think the poster might be able to help you further.

    Do come back and let us know how you get on


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    Hi JoeleeQ, I joined the forum so I could reply to this and am sorry you are going through this.  Have you got the pathology back yet?  I had a wide local excision of a LMM about a month ago.  Mine was in situ - on the surface, which means it doesn't spread, so I didn't need to have lymph nodes checked.  I do have to go back every 3-4 months now for skin checks.  

    My dermatologist was who found mine when I was checked for another skin cancer (BCC) - I never noticed it and never actually saw it since he biopsied it right then and there.  It was on the back of my arm, just a bit below the armpit and has been replaced by a 3 inch scar now.  According to my dermatologist it is very unlikely for that one to spread or come back, but it does put you at a bit higher risk of having other melanomas in the future.  As latchbrook mentioned, it could be something different and the pathology will show for sure what it is.  I wish you luck with the outcome!

  • Hi and welcome to the online community

    Thanks very much for replying to as support from others who have already 'walked the walk' is invaluable.


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  • Hi

    How are you doing? Have you had the results from your biopsy back yet?


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