Melanoma insitu

  • 2 replies
  • 59 subscribers

Found mole on back in april. Biopsy may. In June told melanoma insitu. And discharged from hospital.  But have now got lump in armpit. Hard size of marble.have lost weight. Tired. And sweats.should I be worried.  Can't get doctors appointment. Thank for any advice

  • Hi Vaw58,

    Based on my personal experience, I would definitely be concerned enough to pursue all avenues to get an appointment to have the lump checked as soon as possible.

    I was diagnosed Stg 3c malignant nodular melanoma in 2020 and received Keytruda immunotherapy after WLE/SNLB. I had been NDE since completion of immunotherapy.

    In early October I also found a hard lump the size of a grape in my armpit near the site of my original SLNB. I had no other symptoms. I made an appointment with my oncologist and I received a PET-scan which showed activity in the area of the lump. The lump was excised in late November by a surgical oncologist and proved to be a melanoma tumor . It was removed with clear margins and I have been deemed "cancer-free" again. Melanoma can be so sneaky.

    Lumps often are benign and harmless, but please don't take any chances. I am now a firm believer in getting all lumps checked out.

    All the best to you. I don't mean to scare you with my own experience, but please be concerned and don't worry until you have more information.


  • If you had melanoma surely you are still under the care of hospital as they are meant to check you for 5 years ..if I was you I’d contact specialist nurse or your consultant and push that way .. had mine removed in July then WLE in October..