Travel insurance

  • 4 replies
  • 59 subscribers

I had a WLE a week ago and travelling to Malta on 8 October, I may or may not have results. Can anyone recommend travel insurance company as I will need to declare the situation.

many thanks 

  • I used "Insurance With" covered me on palliative treatment.  Wasn't any where near as expensive as others .

  • Thank you very much for your reply

  • Hi  

    I didn't travel until I'd had my results but have used and

    There is a forum specifically for travel insurance for cancer patients which you might like to join. Clicking on the link will take you straight there.

    Once you've joined take a look through the threads called 'Recommended Travel insurance' and 'Recommended travel insurance 2023-2024' as you'll find lots of suggestions there.

    One thing I always do since being diagnosed is check that I can get insurance and how much it will be before booking any holiday.

    I hope you have a lovely time in Malta

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  • I have also used insurancewith having been turned down by a couple of others.  The process was quite long winded but the staff were very helpful and the price was reasonable.