Braf positive ?

  • 18 replies
  • 59 subscribers

Good afternoon.

Not been on here for a while.

Hope everyone is doing ok.

I messaged my SCNS nurse today asking if my melanoma was Braf positive or Braf Negative.

She did tell me a few days ago that it wasn't ulcerated and that my first biopsy had been a full excersion.

My lovely nurse sent me a message saying that it showed detectable mutant Braf which increases the likelihood hood of response to Braf/MEK inhibition therapy (if needed).

This made no sense to me to be honest, so with this in mind I sent another message and my nurse replied as below.

Sorry Simon, it means Braf positive, approx 50% of melanomas are Braf positive, a Braf status tells them if I am suitable for certain treatments (if required).

It also tells them the status i.e depth, presence of ulceration, number of lymph nodes involved etc.

Sorry, I reached for Dr Google and it said that Braf positive survival rate is approx 8 months, so i take it that I only have approx 8 months to live ?

Has anybody on here been Braf positive?

Thank you.


  • Hi simon hope you had a good holiday .October 2022 I was told I had   a 2mm thickness ulcerated melanoma right leg and had 4 lymph nodes in groin removed as the cancer had spread to the first 2 lymph nodes and was Brad mutation positive .so was stage 3b cancer .was given 13 cycles of adjuvant dabrafenib and trametinib .finished the treatment in July 2023 .three clear body scan in the last year .so all good so far .so please don’t think the worse .wont be long and your be on your journey to fight this cruel illness .once you see the cancer doctor you will be told what’s the best way to treat you and you will have a lot of support from cancer team and cancer doctors take care Julie x

  • Hi Julie.

    It is really nice to hear off you.

    Still on our hols, go home tomorrow Pensive.

    It is so good to hear you have had 3 clear body scans.

    Do you know if all Braf positives reach the lymph nodes ?

    I noticed my nurse said twice on her replies about treatments "if needed and if required" 

    Mine was 3.9mm, and was told not ulcerated and full excersion, not sure if any of that makes any difference though.

    I am just hoping that there is a treatment out there for me and the thousands of others like me and you.

    Hope everything goes well for you Julie.

    Take care.


  • I doesnt means that everybody with Braf positive the cancer has spread .Like your nurse said treatment will be given if needed or required .thats when it will be good to see your cancer doctor so he can go through everything with you and what’s  the best way to treat you .everything will make sense in the end I promise .x

  • Thank you Julie.

    Whilst on holiday I have hardly thought about it.

    It has always been in the back of my mind, but not as much as it had been in the past.

    But last night I woke up at about 2.30am and it just seem to hit me again i.e the worry etc.

    I started to feel positive and then it all came tumbling down at 2.30am ish this morning.

    When I googled Braf positive as well after getting up my stomach went.

    We have been coming to this site on holiday in Llandulas for over 15 years as it is so so relaxing, I could live here away from the real world.

    The lady at Reception has been our friend for all of those years as well.

    I asked about one of the residents on the site called ***** as we had not seen him for a while and she said he sadly passed away with cancer and his wife sold the caravan.

    ***** and his wife were a lovely couple, ***** could talk the hind legs off a donkey.

    It probably sounds daft and selfish, but when she mentioned cancer I felt sick inside thinking that's going to be me.

    I really appreciate you coming back to me Julie, it is much appreciated.

    Thank you Julie.

    Take care.

    Simon x

  • Hi I wake up in middle of night and that is the first thing that comes to mind it is hard not to think about it. Unfortunately they found a small melanoma in my lymph nodes they did not seem to concerned but  got to know have a pet scan on Tuesday then got to see a oncologist for  treatment. The scns nurse said most people respond well to treatment. I just think we need to try and stay positive and enjoy the things we like doing.


  • Poor you not what you want to hear about a lovely man and the cancer word .i couldn’t even say cancer for months I called it curly wurly .i found if I woke up in the night and started over thinking  I would say in my mind STOP ,STOP and keep repeating it .i did find this helped me .take care x

  • Thank you miss mole.

    I really hope things will be ok for you, I am sure they will be.

    Take care.

    Simon x

  • Hi Julie.

    It was a shock when I heard about this chap, he was a nice man, it's not fare is it.

    I still can not say cancer at all, its a horrible word.

    I hope that everybody that is going through this will be ok.

    Take care Julie.

    Simon x

  • Hi Julie.

    I had a CT scan about 4 weeks ago due to suspected bladder cancer.

    It was an abdominal CT scan and I had the dye stuff injected into me.

    Just under 2 weeks ago I went to see the consultant and all was clear, phew !!

    Not sure if this sort of CT scan would have shown any anomalies in the groin area though, consultant never mentioned anything and I forgot to ask as well.

    I also had the Cystoscopy at the same time.

    The doctor did say I had a nodual on my lung, bug he was not concerned about that at all (and I didn't Google it either).

    Thank you Julie.

    Simon x

  • Morning simon cancer doctor will check all you lymph nodes when you see him next month .its just all the waiting isn’t it .my cancer nurse said don’t goggle anything ,only ask her any questions .safe journey home x