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  • 57 subscribers

It’s been a month since my melanoma diagnosis. I consider myself very lucky as I’ve been told it was stage 1A and all the cancer cells were removed in the initial excision. I’ve just got the wle to go which looks like it’s going to be in the next month more than likely. I’ve got some stress and worry around that as I’m self employed and I know I’ll probably need to take some time off for recovery so that probably causing some tiredness. 

However I just feel knackered all the time at the moment, in fact it feels like since my diagnosis I honestly feel I could probably sleep 14-16 hours a day at the moment. I’m having no issues sleeping and I am getting my normal amount of sleep if not more and I’m also having plenty of chill on the sofa time so it’s not lack of sleep. I don’t know if it’s just the last few weeks catching up with me?? Has anyone else had this? I guess it’s fatigue, is this normal? On the one hand my brain is saying you’ve been lucky it’s time to smash life and get on with living it and making the most of it but my body has got no motivation and is just saying just go to bed! 

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read that you're struggling with fatigue. It's not something that I experienced but it sounds very debilitating. You can read more about fatigue if you click on the link along with tips about how to manage it.

    From looking at your profile your melanoma was in the same area as mine. I know we're all different but I wasn't getting any pain from my excision site after the first few days of having the WLE. You say you're self employed so I suppose it depends what your job involves as to how much time you'll need to recover.

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  • Thank you for your reply and the link about fatigue I've had a good read. My appetite went AWOL so I've been trying to get back on track with that! My job involves a lot of general movement with my arm, not heavy stuff so thats good. I think I'm just wary as the first excision was pretty tight although I was back to normal within a couple of weeks but to think of them taking more than they did last time on top of what they've already taken I think I'm going to have to keep my arm still a lot more for it to heal. 

    I've actually been feeling less tired today so its probably just mental stress of the ups and downs in between appointments. I also keep getting told different things at each appointment (last appointment, 1cm margin and 1 week recovery, the appointment before told 0.5cm margin and 4 weeks off work and recovery!) which is making it difficult to plan and also get things straight in my head about whats going to happen.