Has anyone had a blood clot?

  • 5 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I'm writing this on behalf of my mother. She had a CT scan last Friday as she's being prepared for adjuvant immunotherapy. She was originally diagnosed Stage 3B in Feb 2022, then had a recurrence in May this year but wasn't restaged as it was in a lymph node. As far as we know, she is currently NED.

Today we found out that her CT scan found a small blood clot in her lung that she is being treated for at home with blood thinners. The doctor said that they often treat patients who've had immunotherapy for blood clots, but my mum finished treatment in February this year, so it's been a while.

We won't find out the rest of her results until Friday, and we are all really struggling with this, even though it's only a two day wait. It's so hard not to panic and think that this is a sign the cancer has returned and spread.

I was wondering if anyone else had had a similar experience, either because of melanoma or because of immunotherapy? Any answers would be so appreciated.

Thank you!

  • Hi  

    I can understand your worry that your mum's blood clot is as a result of her melanoma or of the treatment. I don't have any personal experience to share with you but I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list where it'll be easier for others to spot.

    I'll be keeping everything crossed for a non-cancerous result tomorrow.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi Latchbrook,

    Thank you, I really appreciate you responding. We're all a little jittery tonight but trying not to let our imaginations run away with us. Whatever news we get tomorrow, at least we'll be able to get a treatment plan and move forward. In my experience so far, waiting for results is the worst part.

    I've done a bit of research on blood clots and melanoma, and it seems like it's not a cancer that typically causes them, so we're hoping that it's coincidental - or maybe because my mother had surgery in summer. Either way, I'll update once we have the results from the CT scan in case anyone on here is ever looking for similar information.

  • I'm just posting an update. Unfortunately, we've had some pretty bad news today. My mother's melanoma has returned for the second time this year, but this time it has spread all over her body, including three lesions in the brain. The news has hit us very hard, but we have a good treatment plan. She will be receiving targeted radiotherapy to deal with the tumours in her brain, which has a 90% success rate. Next week, she will move onto immunotherapy, Ipi/Nivo, and we've been told there is a 60% chance that she will respond, in which case we will have her for years potentially. If she doesn't respond to treatment, we're looking at three to six months.

    They couldn't confirm that the blood clot was caused by the melanoma, but they said it is common with cancer patient. Very sad day, but we have a lot of hope still, and we're not giving up.

  • I was very sad to read your update  but it sounds like your mum has a great team around her who are going to do their best.

    As you said, there is always hope and there are many people across all the cancer groups within the online community who have gone on to live long lives despite recurrences.

    Make sure you take care of yourself and don't forget you can always speak to the people on the Macmillan Support Line to get further support. They are available every day of the week from 8am to 8pm and will always provide a listening ear as well as advice.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thank you, Latchbrook. I really appreciate that. The team is great, especially my mum's specialist nurse, and they've said she's in a good position because bizarrely she's in really good health. Her organ function is great across the board, so we're definitely staying hopeful and positive. And if the worst does happen, we're going to try and make sure we have a really good time as a family and make lots of wonderful memories if we can.

    This is such an awful disease, but I've read so many inspirational stories on here and shared them with my mum, and these forums have given us a lot of comfort. I hope in time her story will help somebody else.

    Thanks again x