Biopsy results & NHS app?

  • 7 replies
  • 59 subscribers

Hi all

I’m unfortunately still waiting for my results (dr said 2 weeks, its now 4 weeks - his secretary has chased the lab twice this week for me!)  she said she would call me when she has a response  

slowly going a little crazy and checking the NHS for my results hourly !

do the results go into the records part on the app at the same time they’re sent back to the consultant or are they popped in there once they’ve been discussed with the patient?!

thank you in advance :-) 

  • Hi  

    Waiting for results is horrible isn't it. You just want to know!

    That's a very good question about whether the results show on the NHS app as soon as they're back from the labs or not but I'm afraid I don't know the answer. You could post this question in the ask a nurse section of the online community once it reopens on Monday. Clicking on my link will take you straight there.

    If you do decide to post there, or find out another way, it would be really useful if you could update this post so that we'll know for in future.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi.  Based on my own personal experience I would stop looking on the NHS app.  My results have only appeared there after I have been given them by the Consultant and they have then written to my GP.  I believe it is the GP surgery that puts the info on both the NHS and the My GP app.  I don't know if that is the case everywhere but it's what has happened to me.

  • Hi they don't put test results on nhs only letters the gp receive and that's only after you know.

  • Thanks all, I will stop looking at the app then Joy

    Another quick question!

    Once the consultant has the report does it normally take long for them to tell you?!

    He said when the moles were removed that it would take 2 weeks for results and then it would probably be about another 2 weeks for the appointment to remove a wider area of skin. 

    thank you Blush 

  • Hi I had results for mole biopsy in just under 2 weeks which was 2mm melanoma had slnb and wle the following month im still waiting on lymph node results. Told me 4 weeks but still waiting after 6 weeks. I asked nurse at check up and she said she going to get me appointment in next 2 weeks so I think they have results but in a queue for appointment  nurse could not tell me so I'm not sure its going to be good news.

  • Thank you Miss Mole

    fingers crossed your results are all okay

    im now into week 5 of waiting for initial biopsy results and tried to call all day yesterday- no answer. I’ve resigned myself that I won’t hear this week as everyone is in strike for 3 days. 

  • Yes thats what I thought everything probably getting delayed because of strikes. Its annoying because the nurse said I would hear in the next 2 weeks and its 2 weeks on Friday. I was suppose to get results back after 4 weeks it will be 7 weeks on Thursday. I want to  know before I go back to work so I know where I stand.