Recently diagnosed. Need ample excision next

  • 22 replies
  • 65 subscribers

Hello all.

I was diagnosed last week with melanoma stage 1B.

I had been wanting to get a mole on my back removed for aesthetic reasons and when I saw the doctor at the end of July she wasn't happy with it.

4 days later I had it removed and it was melanoma.

The doctor removed it last week and has now recommended ample excision.

I am TERRIFIED of having surgery and having the sentinel lymph node removed.

Has anyone gone through this? Have you recovered well? Any lymph issues after?

Has anyone been on the 1cm excision trial? (Where they remove 1cm of skin instead of 2) 

I must point out that I had seen 2 doctors back in Brasil where I'm from in the last 2 years and 2 GPs in the UK who didn't think it was that serious...

Thank you.

  • Hello. I'm having a WLE and SLNB tomorrow at the RVI in Newcastle.Had the mapping done today, ready for surgery tomorrow. My mole/melanoma (on lower leg) is at stage 1b also. Today went ok. Had 4 injections into the scar area, they only stung a little bit, then had to lie down on scanning bed and stay stil for about  40 minutes while the machine did the scans, once done I was free to leave. I've to be at the RVI at 8 am tomorrow, I can let you know more tomorrow as I obviously have no idea, but today was fine. Please try not to worry. Hopefully someone further down the line can shed more light for you. 

  • Hi!

    Thank you for sharing your situation with me. It's really helpful to hear someone else's experience.

    I hope everything goes well for you tomorrow Pray

    Looking forward to your update.

    Stay well.

  • Hello. I'm out of surgery. I was there for 8 am. They asked lots of questions and checked my blood pressure which was really high, I'm recovering from a chest infection which I hadn't mentioned so they were a little bit  do we operate or not, but they did. At 9 am I was on the oxygen and then they gave me the GA, I remember thinking ooh my belly is rumbling, then that was it until 10:45 when I was waking up. Feels like I've just had the most amazing sleep, I'm now back on the recovery ward, I've had tea n toast and I'm watching the footy. Guessing I've a lot of pain killers in me so right now, I'm feeling ok. Yes I was nervous but the staff here are sooo lovely, I'm in safe hands. 

  • That's so good to hear!

    I've told my doctor that I want to feel nothing - keep those painkillers coming!

    If you don't mind my asking, did you have to do a V to Y flap or skin graft?

    And how long has it been since the biopsy diagnosis to surgery?

  • Hi,  not all. We all just want answers to the questions that pop in our head.

    So I didnt get a skin graft they just cut an extra margin out and I think it's dissolvable stitches, need to keep it dry and this dressing in place for the next 12 days, that's when I'm back. 1 or 2 nodes were removed or biopsy'd (not sure which) from my left groin also dissolvable stitches.

    I had my mole removed on the 7th June. It was diagnosed as Melanoma Stage 1b on the 28th June and surgery was today 15th August. They think it should be around a couple of weeks for the lymph node biopsy results to come back. Think this will be the hardest but waiting  and wondering if it's spread or not.

    I'm home now. Got let out at 15:30. Lots of pain meds, a sexy white stocking and injection for the next 2 weeks (to prevent clots) 2 wk off work so that's a brucy bonus, love my job but love being off more. Hope this answers your questions x

  • So happy to hear that you are home and that everything went well.

    I'm having a call with my doctor this evening as the doctor who referred me to do the surgery didn't really go through the report with me and I now find myself googling things non stop Disappointed

    My doctor wants to do a V to Y flap as due to the 2cm margin she feels like it's a large area to try stitch together.

    It's funny how things are, I'm so focused on the surgery and pain that I hadn't even thought about the results of the lymphonode test.

    Thank you again for sharing your journey.

    Hope you have a speedy recovery Sparkles

  • As I say, they are the experts, they will do what is right for you. But yes you do find yourself googling a lot of stuff. Take care, ask questions and share your journey, I think it helps to discuss amongst others going through similar. I try not to worry my family with my thoughts. 

  • Hi, i had my WLE and SLNB in march this year. I too was worried as the melanoma had been on my scalp. the staff were amazing, Ive recovered well, the results were through quickly, the aftercare was brilliant and i've had 2 check ups since. Its easy to say dont worry but I can honestly say it wasn't as bad as i had imagined it would be. Good luck x

  • Hi  

    Thank you for sharing.

    I'm booking my surgery for first week of October.

    Had a call with the doctor last week and we went through the report in detail, so now at least I know what's going on.

    Concerned about the pain and the scar but trying to keep those thoughts at bay for now.

    Not even thinking about the stage after, just trying to focus on one thing at a time Pray

  • Ive got 1B to and only 14% chance of spread apparently