Sun protective hand covers

  • 13 replies
  • 59 subscribers

Hi, Can anyone pls recommend some SPF50 ( or thereabouts) sun protective hand covers? I know Solbari do some but they're £30 a pair which is expensive as you can imagine how quickly they'll get dirty/ worn. Thanks!

  • Hi  

    I don't have any personal experience with sun protective hand covers, I just make sure I keep reapplying sunscreen.

    Don't forget that clothing doesn't have to be special sun protective clothing, dermatologists recommend that clothing is made from natural fibres like cotton and that if you can't see through the material then it should be keeping the harmful UV rays away from your skin.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Yes that's true. Thanks, and I hope you're doing OK btw. Just read your profile and you've really been through it...x

  • Hi  

    Yes, everything's good with me - touch wood! In fact, I must update my profile as I've just had the letter from the breast cancer clinic today telling me that my first mammogram, since finishing treatment, has come back all clear Revolving hearts

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • That's brilliant news! Really pleased for you.  X

  • Hi Seaspray,

    I have a pair of cycling gloves that I have had for several years. I wear them when I am hiking and they protect my hands very well even when I am using walking poles. I air them after each use and occasionally hand wash them and let them dry outside and they are still perfectly usable after at least 6 summers of fairly frequent hikes.

    I've not splashed out on any specialized sun protective clothing but as Latchbrook says below, I just buy clothes made of fabric that I cannot see through. Generally for sport outside I wear leggings and a loose cotton shirt that I button up completely and raise the collar. Not very glamourous but combined with a hat, sunglasses and my cycling gloves and of course factor 50 suncream on my face, I have protected my self from the sun even in southern Europe and at high altitudes.

    I don't buy expensive clothing because I sweat a lot more from being covered up so much and there is not much point in ruining expensive clothes with sun cream and sweat. That way I can spend more on clothing I really like for indoors and evenings :)


  • Excellent news Latchbrook. I am delighted for you.

    I've also had both melanoma and breast cancer though I had them in a different order to you. It's a lot to deal with. I hope you are recovering well from all the treatments you had.


  • Brilliant news I too have just had first mammogram ,melanoma diagnosed almost same time for that i just have to hope it hasn't spread as unable to have sentinel node

  • Latchbrook I'm so very pleased your scan results were all clear.  You've certainly had such a lot to cope with and you're still on here as a Community Champion supporting others. One amazing woman is what you are xxx 

    Lucy x

  • Your clothing choice sounds like mine Miranda. Leggings and men's oversized long sleeved shirt with the collar turned up and factor 50.  I'm not any hotter in these clothes instead of shorts and a t-shirt.

  • This attire I forgot to add is my alottment attire where I spend a lot of time.