Full axillary dissection

  • 6 replies
  • 59 subscribers

Evening all, I have me dissection on 2nd June for metastatic melanoma.

Has anyone got any tips for when in hospital and recovery at home please?

  • Hi  

    I haven't had a full axillary dissection, so I've had a quick look in the group to see who has had one recently. I'm 'tagging'  and  into this reply as they have both posted about this operation previously and will hopefully pop on to share their experience with you.

    Wishing you all the best


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  • Hi yes I had a full axillary dissection from both armpits just over 12 months ago now I was really concerned before going but the hospital staff were wonderful it was uncomfortable the first night as had to sleep on my back but was surprised how quickly I felt better and was able to get up and go to the bathroom myself the following day.

    Although you will have to cart around a couple of drain bottles from both wounds. The first bottle is removed in about 5 days  before you go home the second you go home with but it’s now in the form of a stomer drain bag which you empty yourself but it’s very easy. I was worried about the drains being removed but honestly didn’t feel a thing.You will be given exercises to rebuild your arm strength and get back to full mobility but take it easy 

    You will need to rest so accept all help you are offered it took me 6 weeks to fully heal and get back to driving unfortunately it wasn’t the end of my operations but fingers crossed yours goes well and you are clear

    just let me know if you need any more info happy to help x

  • Thank you Lautel for replying.

    I know its going ro be hard for the first few weeks, just got to stay positive.

    It always helps to speak to people who have been through it.

    I hope your next journey will be sorted.

    Please keep us updated.

  • Hi. I had my right arm pit dissection 8 weeks ago now. I also had a wle at the same time. The hospital staff couldn't have been more helpful. I was completely at ease and if you knew me and my fear of hospitals, you would have been impressed. I went to theatre in the morning and woke up at 12.30 in the recovery ward. .I was up within 2 hours going to the loo. I found the 2 drains cumbersome at first but soon got used to them. The hospital supplied me with a bag someone had made to carry the bottles and this made a big difference. I got to the ward finally at 7pm due to a bed problem. I considered myself lucky to end up in a 2 bed ward and the other person was so friendly and helpful. Sleep was difficult at first until I found sitting up more, with extra pillows, made a difference. I was kept in hospital for 2.5 days. The journey home, 45 mins, was uncomfortable but bearable. A district nurse phoned every day to get the readings from my drains. It took 12 days before the drains could come out. This is the only time I had a painful experience... they were stuck and had to be tugged out. I was sore for a couple of days after but daily there were improvements. I didn't do anything for the first 14 days except sitting watching TV and a short walk outside. The only thing I did for my comfort was to sleep in my grandkids bedroom so hubby couldn't hit me in his sleep. The scar in the armpit is a bit thick in places and I message this twice a day with cream - as recommended. Also I did lose all feeling in that armpit and it looks like it is going to stay that way. A very weird sensation.

    Last week I had follow up CT and MRI scans. Got the results last Thursday. Melonoma had been found deep in my wle op site but with clear margins. 25 nodes were removed from my armpit, 5 of which had Melonoma but with clear margins. That was the good bit. My MRI showed the little blighters had taken up residence in my lung. My oncologist suggested a course of 2 infusion drugs one week, then 3 weeks off, this for 4 sessions, then just one drug every 4 weeks for 1 year and possibly longer if I can tolerate it. 

    Stay positive, dont worry about something that could happen, eat healthy and hydrate that's my way of looking at things. Hoping your op and recovery goes as well as mine and you get a good outcome.

  • Thank you dragonlady70, it is so nice to hear other people's journey's and makes you realise you are not alone.

    So grateful to know what to expect.

    Been very strong so far, but had a little melt down today in anticipation for my op on Friday. Trying yo busy myself to take my mind off it.

    I know this has to be removed.

    Good luck with your journey and let's hope for a positive outcome for you x

  • My actual worse fear was having to go 45 mins drive away for Exeter hospital. It was a fantastic experience. So far I've had no melt downs, which surprises the family. I just accept what the oncolost and doctors tell me to do and get on with it. This was my third cancer scare but it wasn't 3rd time lucky. At least I don't have to have chemo just immunotherapy. Will be thinking of you on Friday which reminds me, I have yet another hospital appointment. This time dermatology. Let us know how you get on. Fingers crossed