Private SLNB

  • 2 replies
  • 58 subscribers

Hello, I was diagnosed in August 2021 with a stage 1a melanoma. I was offered the WLE and at my follow up appointment I was told I was pt1b. I was not offered a SLNB at the time as apparently they aren’t routinely offered below 1mm. 

As this month is skin cancer awareness month I have found myself reading things that I really did not want to see, so obviously the rational thing to do was consult google and I have now got anxiety through the roof. I have now found myself wondering if I should pay to have a private SLNB or whether I should put my big girl pants on, calm down and stop googling or whether it would be worth looking in to it. 

My mind always goes to the worst place and I can’t help feeling I should have pushed for it at the time but because I was told it wasn’t routine I didn’t think it was that important. 

  • Hi, sorry to hear you’re not feeling in a good place at the moment.

    in my experience from Google and on here is varied. Never believe everything you read. Your body functions differently to others. Someone might have been categorised with the same 1b but their body evolves differently.

    I wasn’t told my staging until 2 months ago and I’d already had 6 operations by this time. I’d read so much but it was always negative reading. The consultants have to warn you/me/everyone of the bad things to cover themselves. I’m waiting to start immunotherapy but the reading is so depressing I now don’t bother. 
    A positive mind helps and it helps me, gotta make jokes and be happy with life. It’s the way I deal with things but I realise some cannot do that. 
    going down the Private route is your choice but possibly not needed if they haven’t offered you a SLNB. 
    have they assigned a nurse as point of contact? If yes, speak to her/him for advice. 
    I never had a SLNB. All my lumps appeared and they removed them, then they went off for analysis. I did have an ultrasound guided Biopsy on my groin tumour. They just like cutting me open. Lol

    i hope you can get the positive vides to help your mind adjust and help you thru this journey. 


  • Hi  

    I know what you mean about reading things that you wished you hadn't when the cancer you've been diagnosed with is highlighted by a campaign.

    When I was diagnosed 7 years ago with melanoma I was pT2a and my melanoma was 1.45mm thick so I was offered a SLNB. At the time I was told that if I wanted a SLNB I had to have it done at the same time as the WLE and it couldn't be done later. The rationale behind this was that they had to inject the radioactive dye as close to the site of the excised melanoma as possible and that once the WLE was done this site would no longer be there.

    I think the best thing to do would be to speak to your SCNS to ask if you wanted to have the SLNB done privately, would this be possible bearing in mind you've already had the WLE.

    It would be great if you could come back and let us know what your SCNS says, if you speak to her.


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