Lymph node removal

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  • 56 subscribers

After having WLE and lymph node biopsy (which was positive) in March this year. Ct scan following this and needle biopsy showed enlarged lymph node and another positive for melanoma. This was beginning of June.  I then waited 6 weeks for a surgery date for lymph node dissection in my groin. Waited 9 hours at hospital to be told they didn't have a bed and was sent home. Given further date for a week later, which was again cancelled after waiting all day, and was told no bed for me so again went home in tears. So I now have a third date for next week. 

I literally feel sick to the stomach about going in again and being sent home again. I'm so scared of having the surgery but these cancellations are making me even worse with my anxiety. I'm worrying and fearing the worst about my prognosis as I just think delays are going to end up with this spreading. 

Has anyone else had delays in treatment and how are they coping with this. I just keep being told there is a bed but then an emergency has come in and it's been given to them and they can't save a bed for me. It could go on and on and I am really not coping well at all. I can't start the immunotherapy treatment until this is done and I cant see an end in sight at all. 

  • Hello Jac14,

    Yes I too have had awful delays. I eventually go my WLE and SNLB done after waiting 13 weeks. My cancer is Stage 2B. The operation was completed just over 2 weeks ago. The difficult thing now is they have told me they are behind in processing the results of the SNLB and they said it could be 6 to 8 weeks. Even my 3 month check up has been cancelled twice and that means it will be over 4 months.

    Like you, I am worried that if it has spread I should have been getting treatment months ago. I have heard of people being processed very quickly through the system so maybe the delays are in isolated pockets of the country. I live in Leicestershire and have been going to Loughborough and the Leicester Royal for my appointments. I did ask when they told me about the initial delay for surgery (at that point I was told it would be 8 weeks) if it was possible to have it done at a different hospital and was advised that they all have long waits.

    I must admit however nice and efficient the doctors and nurses are when I am at an appointment I do feel very let down by the long wait times and it certainly adds to the anxiety. The other thing I am finding difficult to deal with is not being able to plan holidays. 

    When you do get sorted I hope that you will have good results and no harm will have been done by the delay.


  • Hi Claire129,

    The waiting really is the worst thing. I waited 8 weeks for results of slnb and was a wreck.

    I hope your results are good when you finally get them. 

    Now I'm just hoping it's 3rd time lucky for my surgery next week. I know these things do happen and can't blame anyone but I am feeling angry about it. I too feel frustrated about not being able to plan things.

    Take care x

  • Let’s think positive, surly they won’t let you down again. Keep me posted how you get on.

  • Hi Claire, just wondered how you're getting on? Have you had any results yet?

    I finally had lymph node surgery on Friday 19th. It was a relief not to get sent home again.  Very sore and tired but definitely feeling better this week. Hopefully results in 4 weeks, surgeon did tell me they didn't find anything untoward so hopefully good news!

    Then I'll probably have another scan and start on 12 months of treatment. Have booked a holiday for February so looking forward to that! 


  • I am so glad that they got your sorted at last, what a performance!  I am keeping my fingers crossed that you get results in 4 weeks and they are all clear. They have already warned me that it could be 6 to 8 weeks for my lymph node feedback. That seems to be a similar wait to yours.

    I am over the soreness now from my operation but did have an infection which needed a couple of courses of antibiotics and I found it very difficult at the beginning to interact with the scar. My husband had to apply the cream for quite a while as I had a real repulsion to it. I am over that phobia now thank goodness. it is very ugly but does get a little better each week.

    I am please to hear that you have been able to book a holiday, it is nice to have something to look forward to. As soon as I get my results which I am sure will be good. (ever the optimist ) I will get something booked.

    It sounds like you will be having treatment regardless of how the additional nodes test. I think I should be able to avoid further treatment if the lymph nodes are ok.

    Wishing you well and keep me informed of progress.
