CT Scan

  • 18 replies
  • 57 subscribers

finally got notice that I have CT scan on Monday.  I also have first consultation with plastic surgeon on Tuesday.

Does anyone know if the plastic surgeon will have the results on scan or will this not impact what he would be doing?

  • Hi Dan73, at this point in your journey the CT scan will presumably be to check for any other signs of disease.  It's unlikely the scan results will be reported on in one day and the surgeon who I guess is going to  do a WLI?w  will not really need the scan for that. It's often a good idea to make a list of questions before you go for your appointment as you can easily forget in the emotion of all of this. Good luck x

  • Aww I suspected that may be the case.  Yes scan is to see if it has spread as I am stage 3 and the plastic surgeon is just for a talk I assume about WLI and possible SNLB.  I guess its then back to the horrible waiting game

  • Hi Dan73, I was in your situation this time last year. Stage3 but they found two medium sized brain aneurysms so my WLE and SLNB were delayed from March to July.   The waiting time is hard. I had an MRI, CT and a PET scan before my surgery. Didn't need a plastic surgeon as my mole was straightforwardly on my right elbow so no skin grafts needed. All my scans since then have been clear thank goodness. And yes I had my sentinel node removed plus one node on either side. Melanoma cells were in the sentinel node and one other so I'm Stage 3c.

    Waiting for results is always difficult and the advice on here is generally this:

    don't Google anything at all as it can be upsetting and be out of date.

    Try and keep busy all day, working, seeing friends, seeing family.

    Take up a new hobby.

    Chat on here for support.

    Don't count the days!

    Throughout this whole experience the waiting time can make you feel so helpless and as if you have no control over what's happening to you, it's not easy but come onto this forum and chat as much as you want, have a rant in the rant room if need be!   During the pandemic the waits were bad so I'm sure  they've improved in your area hon.

    Let us know how you get on and take care x

  • That gives me hope     Great to hear your story.  I had my scan yesterday, got myself worked up before as get so scared of what they may find.  Plastic surgeon first thing this morning so hopefully we get things moving.  I go days and can be ok then something hits me.  Today is going to be a hard day as I am planning on telling my 10 year daughter the news Disappointed

  • just got a call to say my WLE is Tuesday next week as a cancellation has become available, 

  • I’ve been thinking of you, Dan, I know you see the surgeon tomorrow as well.  So glad that things are moving for you.  I hope it is a good meeting x

  • Saltmarsh had my meeting this morning, was in and out in 15 mins, they are going to do remove a larger area of skin from my arm on Tuesday and I have been booked into hospital at 7am.  They are not doing SLNB which I found strange.  Said they have all the information they need.  Will then just have to wait on results of that and scan which I am hoping will come in around same time

  • Wow!  7am!  A good cup of tea/coffe & some breakfast will sure taste good afterwards!  I know the waiting is difficult.  How about filling your diary with anything you can think of - but pleasant where possible!

  • Hi Dan, it's good that things are moving fast for you.  Less time to think and worry!

    I suppose if they aren't doing an SLNB  and they don't feel they need to then maybe your staging for your mole is very low? Have you been given any info on that?

    The check node removal is usually done when the mole depth is a certain amount of mm so it may mean your mole was superficial which is good news.

    They always do a number of scans as a routine check and not just because they suspect bad things hon.

    I hope your chat with your 10 year old went ok.  Children are very resilient and cope with facts well.  If you've not had the chat yet then it may be worth holding off until you've more info as there may be some positive news to add to your info. Obviously he/she will need to know before your op but I would be inclined to ask your doctors about the staging of your disease before the WLE (wide local excision).

    Take care and keep chatting x